We're the Only Ones in the Line of Duty Enough

"I think it's about time to draft a bill that makes the death penalty mandatory for anyone who is convicted of killing a police officer who is in the line of duty," opined Cenci. [More]
What a jackbooted fascist. "Lift a finger" death sentences, no matter what?

And "line of duty" is just another term for "within department protocols"...?

With thinking like that, no wonder they're so worried about their own security.

Hey guys--we'd like to go home at the end of your shift, too. This ratcheting up of the police state--this solidifying of the barrier between "Only Ones" and the rest of us--may not be the best way to work out our differences.

[Via Zachary G]

$1.5M Here, $1.5M There...

...pretty soon you're talking real money. [More]

Glad there's plenty to go around for billionaire Furious Mike to buy self-serving photo ops with in these tough times.

Hey, you can always get a second job...

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones Striking Enough

A detective with the South Bend Police Department was arrested early Saturday after allegedly beating her husband, also a South Bend cop, in their home, police said. [More]
So why would this be an "Only Ones" story? I mean, everybody I know gets drunk and smacks their spouses around while the kids are in the next room, too.

Doesn't everyone?

Hel-lo Lautenberg...

So if they don't get divorced and live apart, where will he be able to keep his guns?

[Via klamb]

Let the Exploitation Begin

It was the third shooting of police officers in Washington state in three months. [More]
You think "they're" not gonna use this...?

[Via David M]

I Like Guns, I Like the Way They Look...

I just need to learn about
my booger hook...[More]

Jeez, dude, come on.

Other than that, good song.

[Via Charles Heller]

We're the Only Ones Reckless Enough

An off-duty Lockport police officer was charged tonight with reckless homicide and drunk-driving charges in connection with a three-car crash that killed an immigrant from Vietnam who was driving home on the Stevenson Expressway from his second job. [More]
You know, a second job so he could pay for "Only Ones" do do their purported job of making society safer against lawbreakers...

Ah well, plenty more tax cows in that herd...they'll just have to get another job.

[Via Maureen]

FBI Report Points to Inconvenient Truth About Guns and Crime

Trying to disarm you and me will not reduce violent crime. It will only increase the disarmed victim pool, giving even more of an advantage to predators who observe no moral law. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner notes something our wonderful watchdog media don't seem to want to notice, let alone tell us about.

Also be haunted by a couple of Christmas spirits, and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: December 22

It is with infinite pain and concern, that I transmit Congress the Inclosed Copies of Sundry Letters respecting the State of the Commissary's department. If these matters are not exaggerated, I do not know from what cause, this alarming deficiency or rather total failure of Supplies arises; But unless more Vigorous exertions and better regulations take place in that line, and immediately, this Army must dissolve. [More]