Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Two Smoking Guns

ATF Documents Link on the AR15/M16 policy at the time of the Olofson bust, and more NFRTR lies [More]
And this is key:
Given the lengths ATF went to redact the "Firearms Work Note" document, and the documents ATF has now released that fill in the redacted blanks, it is difficult to avoid the impression that ATF has been involved in an obstruction of justice.
Everybody sure they don't want to reconsider and at least try...?


  1. Oh come on now...they're just good guys trying to do the right thing. I mean, don't you think these guys mean well? I mean, you know, shouldn't they, like, be given the benefit of the doubt? I mean like, you know, I mean, why can't you CIVILAINS just shut up!!?!?!???

  2. Sent your sample letter to my congress critters.
    Boxer & Feinstein letters were prefaced with a bit of verbal judo:
    "This may be a good way for the Democrat party to recover the losses of the Brown election and take the path of protecting the American people from despotism."

    Only 17 months until I move to Wyoming.


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