Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Josh is So Upset...

...his Rapex may pop out. [Read]

Y'know, I get more tips on "Only One" violence and abuse in one week than he's managed to compile sifting through years of phony extrapolated "data." If I used 'em all, I'd literally have no time to do anything else.

I'd say the Joyce Foundation is hardly getting their money's worth, but I'd rather see them waste it on Sugarmann's nonsense than on something that might prove more effective.


  1. Once again, Josh the Sweet will not differentiate between justifiable homicide and actual murder. And the Huffington Pest is aiding and abetting this political whore.

  2. hey somebody must have done something wrong. these two stupid assholes are still viable.

  3. Crunch the numbers... 139 is only about 1% of the national average. That means concealed carriers are the single most peaceable and law abiding group of people on this planet.

  4. The problem with Josh's numbers are that they are non-zero for CCW holders. However, there are still a lot of gun deaths by non-CCW holders, and non-gun violent deaths by all other means by those who may or may not possess a CCW.

    What non-zero number for gun deaths by CCW holders would Josh find acceptable? None would be acceptable, I suspect.

    When Josh starts reporting deaths caused by Violence Policy Center supporters then I will be interested.


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