Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Texas Gunfight

Lawmakers in firearm-friendly Texas are embroiled in a debate over how to make the state Capitol safer: get rid of guns or encourage even more. [More]
Gee. Tough call.

[Via Todd F]


  1. One idiot goes round the bend, so let's find a way to punish,humiliate, and restrain EVERYONE WHO DIDN'T DO IT. There are two things that make people uneasy, when they hear it, in Texas. A five pound sack of shit hitting the floor, and the Texas Legislature discussing law.

  2. The link is not working. I have not heard this bit of news.

    Of course there is on solution to make the place safer, stop doing things that piss individuals off enough to go blasting. Nobody likes that solution.

  3. Indeed, Wyn... Amazing that the politicians and bureaucrats are becoming more and more antsy and paranoid about armed citizens...

    Maybe they DO know how stupid and tyrannical they are, after all.

    I think they need to be afraid... VERY afraid. But I don't think they'll let that stop them from doing what they do.

  4. straightarrow2/10/2010 4:21 PM

    My bet is that they'll fold up like a cheap empty suit and prohibit the non-elite from having guns in the capitol.

    Texans have a tendency to talk a Hell of lot better gunfight than they fight. Of course, I use the term Texan lightly as it is possible to spend all day in Dallas and not hear one Texas accent.

  5. Unfortunately, Straight Arrow, I have to agree with you about the prevalence of damn-yankee, and other foreign accents, in a number of the major metropolitan areas of our fair state. A bunch of Texas residents (many in San Antonio) have no fricken idea why Texicans should “remember the Alamo”, and have never heard of Goliad, (Come and Take it!) Texas.

    Too many people have forgotten, or just don’t care, that Texas’ independence was earned by the willingness of real Texicans to live or die by the gun.

    Some of our over-educated idiots are actually ashamed of our history and traditions and want to believe that six flags over Texas is nothing more than a descriptive phrase for an amusement park.


  6. The lege will undoubtedly screw us, while extending privilege to carry personal arms to its chosen ones.

    Sen Patrick got to office touting his support of the regular joe, he now joins the elite and demands the special privilege of the brahmin class. With the benefit of a daily radio show he commands the vote by rote gang who don't even pay attention to the freedom crushing bills he supports (i.e., statewide smoking bans, trans fat bans, increasing number of signatures needed on voter driven petitions).

    There was a time, not too long ago, when one could freely stroll the capitol without challenge by a costumed state employee...those days are gone.


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