Monday, March 01, 2010

He's Not Just an Ordinary Expert

He's CNN's go-to guy on guns, "forensic expert" Dan Austin.

Watch and marvel.

Elephants. Good fricking grief.

Y'oughtta be careful about talking so scary-like, Dan. Poor wide-eyed Ryan Smith looked like he was just about ready to pop his Rapex.

Why, you're making him think people might try to really aim and hit something with it. Who would clean such a thing at 2:30 AM? In their house!!!

And do you realize the bullets come out faster than Chuck Yeager?

Danger Dan's keeper quote:
I don't care what anybody tells me.
That's pretty damned obvious.

[Via Evan Nappen]


  1. Isn't it ironic that they are saying guns don't just go off all by them selves. Good thing it wasn't a patrol rifle; you know how those just go off. The damn thing might have jumped off of the table and ran down the street perforating women and children.

  2. Un flipping believable!!! If you have to go to court, you better hope you don't see the idiot Dan on the witness list. OMG, really, how did this dude even get by kindergarten?

  3. What a shmuck. Elitist prick.

    Oh yeah, who the heck is dumb enough to use .223 on a tiger? You'll only make it mad, then it'll eat you. Sheesh, everybody knows that...

  4. It made me wanna puke listening to this "expert".

    "You know as well as eye doo that the gun was impoahted in pots... and then reassembled by, I believe it was, Century Ahhms."

    "...depending on whether it was full copper jacket round nose..."

    Give me a break, pal. Maybe that works in Bahston, where the average serf/peasant doesn't own or use fie-uhh ahhhms, and on those willfully ignorant knuckleheads nat the Commie News Network, does it doesn't play well in middle America.

    All reasonable people agree that mere mortals don't NEED to clean guns like that inside the house at 2:30 in the morning.

  5. WTF? How did they find out I was cleaning my AR-15 at 2:30AM? I guess it's becawwse Oimm a very sophisticated guay. I use very sophisticated "weapons". You know, "This is my rifle, this is my gun, this is for fighting, this is for fun". I think he fits the description of palooka. But he is right about one thing. My rifle is designed to kill. Oh yes.

  6. I would love to see this guy try to take down a tiger or an elephant with this rifle. Heck, I'd come along and film. Then once the tiger got done eating him I'd end the beasts stuffering from 30 minor wounds with a proper caliber designed for dangerous game. Say .458 WinMag.

  7. Chris Mallory3/01/2010 4:53 PM

    He has to have house shoes on. Someone that dumb couldn't tie their shoes to save their life.

  8. The "lions, tigers and bears (oh my)" thing came up some months ago (I wrote about it here), and this current performance is so over the top it makes me think it is quite willful.

    And oi, what a headache! Trying to follow all the nonsequiturs just gets to be physically painful. Perhaps the underlying strategy is to to so confound the rational brain as to cause it to literally snap from incredulity.

    I still like the airdrop idea, in which both "expert" and "urinealist" get supplied with copies of the vaunted Instruments Of Certain Death, and dropped into remote Botswana with a couple magazines of ammunition. If they produce a pile of lion corpses on their way back, they will have proved their point and can run their mouths just any way they like. If not...well, that's a couple less villagers that the lions would have attacked, so they're still "doing their part" for humanity.

    Prove it, "expert". Poke a lion with a .223, with your life on the line, and watch what happens.

  9. An expert at what?

    That poor bastard couldn't find the floor in the mornings if gravity didn't kick in when he rolls out of bed.

    He was correct when he said the .223 travels faster than sound. Of course, damn few bullets don't.

    Aimed fire??? About the only thing you don't have to aim at to hit is the sky. That's where most of his expert opinion was obtained, that is the part that didn't extrude itself from his anal orifice.

    CNN actually pays this poor guy???

    word verification: "Cheatedd" yeah, somebody was.


  10. Best comment I've seen so far:

    "300 people should file for retrials."

    (Referring to the 300 "cases" he has supposedly been involved in as an expert witness.)

    Yes! Score one for the right attitude!

  11. Put Austin and Smith in a bag and shake them up; they would come out stuck together.

  12. Blithering idiot. You couldn't make this stuff up.

  13. "He was correct when he said the .223 travels faster than sound. Of course, damn few bullets don't."

    W-III, my 1911 grins wryly at that. And I admit that listening to the verbal diarrhea actually made me long for a 300 Whisper. (In the end: no matter, if need be I'll just load the 45-70 down a little bit and use 500-600 grain cast bullets. Cute little things, those. :-)

  14. straightarrow3/01/2010 5:45 PM

    Kevin said,"...well, that's a couple less villagers that the lions would have attacked, so they're still "doing their part" for humanity"

    And don't forget if they fail, that's a couple more villages without the traditional idiot.

  15. "The bullet hits you before you can hear it"? Is that opposed to other guns that you can hear the rounds coming, and have time to look around and decide what direction to dive.... omg haven't seen CNN in YEARS I almost thought this was an ONION story.

  16. O. M. G.!!! What a frickin' moron! A .223 against an elephant, lion, or water buffalo??? That's a good way to die!

    Dan, it's a SEMI-auto rifle, you idiot! It is not a military rifle; it is a LOOKALIKE! And MOST hunting rounds exceed the speed of sound by at least a factor of two. So what's the big deal about the .223?

    Ryan, so what if someone cleans that gun at home, whatever the hour? If he's at all familiar with that gun, he knows how to be safe with it. Or do you automatically think that no one is capable of learning how to be safe with anything but a flintlock musket? Like so many men who think gun owners are compensating for small peckers (Nice misogynistic thoughts, there!), you must secretly wish you had a vagina! GROW A PAIR, DAMMIT!

    There. I feel better.

  17. Oh, yeah. If I'm ever the defendant in a gun case, I do NOT want this idjit as a witness on my side!

  18. "Oh, yeah. If I'm ever the defendant in a gun case, I do NOT want this idjit as a witness on my side!"

    About that, you needn't worry. Even if he were actually "expert" enough for anyone other than the government (or CNN, nee Pravda), I don't think he'd represent "your kind" anyway.

  19. " THis weapon is not a toy"
    Yeah, because if it was, BATFE would have already siezed it

  20. He works for, and is hired and paid by, CNN.

    'Nuff said.

    B Woodman


    I see nothing in his history that qualifies him to speak about ANYTHING but computer science.

    What a R-tard.

  22. I thought for a minute there that I was watching Dan Akroyd as Irwin Mainway on SNL selling the Bass-O-Matic 76 or Bag O'Glass.

  23. I would love to know the names and numbers of the attorneys, both defense and prosecution, for the 300 trials in which he supposedly testified. They called him an expert witness yet the statements he made during the video interview only go to show that is is far from an expert, in fact that he does not know what he is talking about. His testimony in all prior trials could possibly be impeached based alone upon the statements he made in this video because it potentially could be used a evidence that he is not an actual expert.

  24. The problem is CNN has the entire country as its listening audience, we here on the War on Guns blog comment section are just speaking to the choir (Fox news is barely any better).

    The only way to combat this sort of idiocy in my experience is bringing uneducated people into the firing range and letting them shoot the "scary looking rifle".

  25. They show a specimen of a Golani with a scope, and wonder if it's for aimed fire.

    Little sense in dissecting the whole idiotic video.

    I usually post my handle and don't use bad language.

    But all I see in this video is a meeting of two pantie-wetting fucktards.

    I sincerely hope this "expert" takes a Golani on an elephant hunt sometime. (Of course, it would be illegal in any place which permits shooting elephants to use a 5.56x45 round. Even with "full copper jacketed round nose bullets..."

    I now know how to become a "expert" at CNN. Possess a little knowledge and scare the sheeple who actually believe you're an expert. And this maroon gets PAID for this???


  26. At best, he was deliberately lying, at worst he really is that stupid.


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