Friday, April 09, 2010

Now Showing as a Blip on Radar Screens Near You

They remain under the radar for now, but expect to hear a lot more about the dual April 19 rallies that will bring anti-government and pro-gun groups to the Washington region. [More]
Well that's not true. There are groups that wish to respect the Constitution, but that's hardly anti-government.

Goodness, gracious. First the mad cow and now WaPo. The radar screens are lighting up.
I've watched with some surprise as the Oath Keepers, battered a bit by reports that call them "extremists," get more mainstream conservative acceptance.
About time some of these freakin' self-styled "conservatives" woke up.

There can be no peace with some of the comment posters--they're bound and determined to seethe in ignorance and hatred. Let 'em.

Good thing for us that they impose a key disadvantage on themselves. I mean in addition to being satisfied Rapex customers.


  1. One thing to watch for at these rallies will be this kind of a-hole.

    By infiltrating the Tea Party itself! In an effort to propagate their pre-existing propensity for paranoia and suspicion…We have already sat quietly in their meetings, and observed their rallies.”

    We will act on behalf of the Tea Party in ways which exaggerate their least appealing qualities (misspelled protest signs, wild claims in TV interviews, etc.) to further distance them from mainstream America and damage the public’s opinion of them.

    I realize they're talking about Tea Parties, and not, specifically, either of these rallies, but I would think that the kind of creature who would sabotage the Tea Parties would do the same to the rallies.

    I wouldn't expect them to do anything as dramatic as trying to directly cause any bloodshed--don't see 'em having the guts for that--but misspelled, racist, idiotic signs, and speaking idiotically to any press, would be right up their alley.

    I suppose there's no way to prevent that, but the ralliers must be ready to denounce the frauds, and distance themselves from them.

  2. Thank Goodness Bush instituted Free Speech zones or we could never be heard by those in power!


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