Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The "No Cry" List

The Transportation Security Administration says it is keeping records of people who make its screeners feel threatened as part of an effort to prevent workplace violence. [More]
Like you are responsible for how someone else "feels"--and like many of these incompetent thugs don't deserve whatever psychic feedback they get--and more.

Maybe that's why we need to keep people on the watch list helpless...

And I can't help but note how the "Authorized Journalists" at USA Today characterize citizens responding to abuse as "pushy." It's just like when we defend ourselves we become "vigilantes."

[Via FFFW]


  1. "A TSA report says the database can include names, birth dates, Social Security numbers, home addresses and phone numbers of people involved in airport incidents, including aggressors, victims and witnesses."

    What could go wrong?

  2. straightarrow5/25/2010 2:05 PM

    Damn! they're getting just like cops. All macho and threatening, strutting their stuff until someone makes them cry because he/she isn't intimidated or frightened enough. And of course screaming and whining for extra protections, privileges, and power because ems widdle egos is hurt. Yep, a few more years of nutlessness and they'll be just like cops.

    Bwess ems widdle harts.

  3. Sooo... if you report or object to abuse of authority, you get... more abuse of authority.

    Why am I reminded of the other day's entry, about the inmate who was thrown in solitary for reporting being raped by a guard?

    Who can't recognize the pattern?

  4. TSA goons deserve to feel threatened. And more; much more.

    If they would STOP being a threat to the safety of airline customers and enemies of reasonable self-responsible people, and maybe instead hand out frangible ammo and give instructions for the best ways to effectively stop a hijacking, then they would actually be serving their stated purpose. Until then...


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