Thursday, June 17, 2010

GRE Round Up for June 17

Here are the latest Gun Rights Examiner posts:

Paul Valone/Charlotte:
Call NRA officers listed below to express your outrage at having a gun rights organization betray gun owners’...
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Liston Matthews/Knoxville:
Others are discussing the NRA endorsement of Harry Reid and John McCain, and NRA's support of a gag bill in the...
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John Longenecker/Los Angeles:
I'm looking over the editorials castigating gun owners and I'm seeing a trend for some time. I've put this off long...
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Dave Workman/Seattle:
In the 48 hours since an apparent “deal” was struck between Congressional Democrats and the National...
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Kurt Hofmann/St.Louis:
Missouri Schnucks stores see the light; no longer 'gun free' zones

This month, Schnucks grocery stores in Missouri ended their ill-advised policy of prohibiting defensive firearm carry on the premises. The St. Louis...

I do hope you realize the importance of sharing these links and show these guys your support by doing so...?

While you're at it, be sure and check out these other liberty-oriented Examiners:

1 comment:

  1. In a recent email to us members the NRA stated: "... the NRA's first obligation must be to its members...". The NRA's first priority is not the 1st or 2nd Amendments, it is self-preservation.

    America can survive the loss of the NRA. It cannot survive the loss of the 1st and 2nd Amendments. A soldier preoccupied with survival is worthless in a fight.

    Like the nobles who betrayed William Wallace to make a deal to preserve their wealth and privilege, the NRA has gotten to big and rich to have any stomach for a real fight.

    This from a lifetime member in the NRA since 1988

    BTW, the NRA has taught me never become a life member in any organization.


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