Thursday, June 17, 2010


There's something screwy going on with comments--I've approved them but they're not showing up--it's a Blogger issue and not something I can readily analyze and correct.

If you look at a post it may show no comments. If you click on the blog post link, you will not see any but mine. But if you click on the comments link and get the pop up window some will appear.

I'm going into the dashboard to see if resetting things will knock something loose.

Anyone else on Blogger having a similar experience today?


  1. No, it's been working for me.

  2. Same but they stopped sending announcements of new comments to my Hotmail account.

  3. David,
    On every Examiner site as well as the Blogger sites, comments are failing to show.

    I've tested this with Firefox, IE, and
    Chrome. Makes me wonder...


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