Thursday, June 17, 2010

We're the Only Ones Doggedly Charging In Enough

Smith says police arrived at their side door and his stepson’s dog approached to see what was going on -- and that's when an officer with a rifle fired one shot. [More]
I'd be interested in learning more about that 911 call. They need to release the tape.

[Via Mike B III]


  1. This is on my home turf and I can
    guarantee you that a lot of the OLDER
    and more EXPERIENCED guys I know with APD and BCSO are pissed off about this.

    General consensus? Young idiots making the rest of them look bad, especially in light of the FUBAR/SNAFU crap that has been exposed lately.

    The good cops don't need these damned
    cowboys making life even rougher for them...

  2. Criminal bastards.


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