Monday, July 12, 2010

Amy, What You Wanna Do?

That’s an execution – not an accident. [More]
Here's an update on one of my favorite obsessed Obama supporters who's been given cover by the "Only Ones," the "just us" system, and the anti-gun academic establishment for decades now.

Also see:

Huntsville shooting another 'gun free zone' failure

Why was Huntsville shooting suspect set free after killing brother?

Killer-releasing Delahunt 'perfect' Brady Campaign candidate

[Via Ed M]

1 comment:

  1. "“However, if they were to allow me to carry my pistol on campus, I would not be as scared." "
    So, she's MORE afraid of the college administration's/state law's punishment for carrying in a "gun-free zone" than of BEING MASSACRED?
    I applaud her for HAVING a gun, but she needs to overcome the conditioning.
    Look up "Appalachian School of Law shootings." Students with guns in their cars (they happened to be deputies, but that doesn't matter) stopped the killer just by aiming at him. HIS life was valuable to him, you see.


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