Monday, July 12, 2010

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...

Since 2006, cops have made 52,000 stops in this eight block area, where about 14,000 people reside. The putative purpose is to take guns off the street. Thus far, they've come up with 25 guns. [More]
How's this liberty/security trade-off working out for public safety?
So far this year, 237 people have been slain in the city, compared with 211 at the same point last year - a 12.3% jump - according to NYPD statistics through July 4, the most recent data available. [More]
cycjec and Harvey]


  1. Random observations:
    237 homicides with guns -- in a city of six million. Where guns are almost totally prohibited. Killers are going to kill, criminals are going to commit crimes. Words on paper mean nothing. Steel in the hand DOES.
    The party was "Spanish only." They strongly objected to blacks attending. People died. What will Quanell X say?
    Many teenagers from white suburbia pose exactly like Mr. Otero for their Facebook pages. God help us.

  2. One wonders how many of the 25 confiscated guns resulted in the former owners being killed with no means of self defense. ???


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