Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Very Possible Overtones

"Beat whitey night" and there's any question? [More]

Were the situation reversed, is there any doubt we'd be hearing "hate crime!" howls, along with high-profile exploitation by the leading race hustlers, not to mention a team of DoJ lawyers jetting out to add federal muscle to the prosecution?

And that the SPLC would be attributing it to flame-fanning by right wing extremist "hatriots"...?

Why any sane person would go there and obey this insult to their freedom, dignity and safety is beyond me:
Public safety—weapons.
The carrying or possession by any person other than a peace officer of any weapon, such as a dirk, dagger, hunting knife, buck knife, switch blade, or any knife with a blade of three inches in length or longer, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, pellet or BB gun, blackjack, billy club or any other weapon is prohibited on the fairgrounds unless authorized by the board. Failure to comply with this rule shall be cause for expulsion from the fairgrounds or being charged under Iowa Code chapter 724. Kitchen knives and others purchased at the fair must be wrapped and not concealed.
[Via William T]


  1. The SHTF and it turns into "eat" whitey night, ala Matthew Bracken. Brought to you by, the folks at NAACP, Shirley Sherrod, and "Rev." Jeremiah Wright.

  2. It's a good thing each and every sovereign human being qualifies as a "peace officer", isn't it?

    Someone has to keep the peace, with all those damned enforcement thugs around.

  3. And don't forget the belts with buckles, combs, pens, shoes or bars of soap in a tube sock.

    Oh wait a minute, if it is one person against an attacking group of 30-40, then it still be insufficient, even for well equipped police officers.

  4. No doubt the thugs know the weapons prohibition laws. It's a feeding ground.
    The local state fairgrounds used to be in one of the worst parts of town, until they relocated 30 miles into the suburbs. There were gang problems, race problems. Now I'm sure the minority patrons feel racially discriminated against.
    It doesn't take a village to raise a child, just one good parent, ideally two. Where the hell are they? Watching Maury Povich and Jerry Springer, that's where.
    Some of them are undoubtedly members of the NAACP and other organizations who are hoping for not only restitution (from people who never owned slaves or oppressed anyone), but 200 years of payback, rather than equality.

  5. On WHO radio today (Jan Mickelson show) that one of the thugs used a friend as an alibi. That alibi was the son of a Des Moines police officer.

    News tonight reported that Des Moines police have not found a connection to call it a hate crime. Yesterday the same news broadcast a young man who claimed he heard the crowd yell, "Kill the crackers"

    No, nothing to see here. Move along.

    For the record - hate crime laws should be abolished but if you are going to have them, they should be equally applied.

  6. Wrapped and not concealed?


    I think I'll try that with my pistol.

    Officer, it's not concealed, it's "wrapped."

  7. I had to run earlier before I read everything. A group of 30 or more, and they did indeed use the phrase "beat whitey night"?
    Mob rule is here, friends. We can only hope that some of the victims are social-working sob-sisters who want mass racial violence excused because "they're victims of their environment."
    Our grandparents grew up during the Depression, and most of them did not turn out to be part of such a beast with 100 fists and no brain.

  8. Thank God for Alaska's Constitutional-carry-with-no-exemptions. I guarantee that 80% of the people at the State Fair (begins today) will be carrying concealed, and another 10% will be carrying openly. (The remaining 10% are from recently arrived from the Left Coast, and will be aghast at the sight of a holster.)

  9. Posted this previously in the wrong comments section...

    Iowa fair ground rules seem to be at odds with the Iowa Code. Part 724.4-1i and 724.28

    724.4 Carrying weapons.
    1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person who goes armed with a dangerous...
    i. A person who has in the person's possession and who displays to a peace officer on demand a valid permit to carry weapons which has been issued to the person, and whose conduct is within the limits of that permit.

    The only areas where a "carrying or possession" by a weapons permit holder is not allowed by Iowa Code is defined under "724.4A Weapons free zones" As used in this section, "weapons free zone" means the area in or on, or within one thousand feet of, the real property comprising a public or private elementary or secondary school, or in or on the real property comprising a public park. A weapons free zone shall not include that portion of a public park designated as a hunting area under section 461A.42. (all state parks and preserves)

    724.28 Prohibition of regulation by political subdivisions.
    A political subdivision of the state shall not enact an ordinance regulating the ownership, possession,
    legal transfer, lawful transportation, registration, or licensing of firearms when the ownership, possession,
    transfer, or transportation is otherwise lawful under the laws of this state. An ordinance regulating
    firearms in violation of this section existing on or after April 5, 1990, is void.


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