Wednesday, October 06, 2010

We're the Only Ones "No Honor Among Thieves" Enough

Two Cops Accused of Robbing Undercover Officer

Officers allegedly stole marijuana from undercover officer with intent to distribute [More]
I'm being unfair--this was, after all, Philadelphia. I'm sure we're dealing with just a few bad apples.

Hey, don't open that barrel...

[Via lots of you]

1 comment:

  1. I see that California had a coordinated series of busts of "drug dealers at medical marijuana clinics."
    Clinics which are legal under state law.
    Obama is talking about reducing penalties for marijuana, particularly when PRESCRIBED for a medical condition. I'm sure all 57 states (as he said once) will have discretion as to whether to follow the federal law, UNLIKE the Second Amendment.
    Anyway, cancer patients, apparently it's your own fault you got cancer. You should have eaten healthy raw foods, so the State can bust you for that too.


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