Friday, November 26, 2010

We're the Only Ones Bargain Hunting Enough

The man found to be carrying guns while waiting in line for a Black Friday sale said in court this morning that he's a retired federal law enforcement officer. [More]
Well then what's the problem?  Aren't these guys supposed to be among the "Only Ones" we can trust with guns...?

[Via Kevin Patrick]


  1. Good of you to include that article.

    Now if you could keep us apprised of updates especially involving his claim of "... law enforcement positions with both the U.S. Department of Interior and the Department of Justice," that would be nice.

  2. Florida law requires that you have a clearly marked (name of patient, prescribing doctor, dispensing pharmacy, etc.) prescription bottle for restricted medications outside of the home. Use of pill cases for a dose or two is not allowed.

    Florida law requires that all but on-duty law enforcement officers to carry weapons concealed. Many years ago Florida allowed open carry without a license but when licensing for concealed carry was implemented open carry for non-LEO was prohibited by law. There is an initiative to return to open carry for all in the works.

  3. A .40 Glock with a 30 round magazine? Now that's interesting. Maybe it was 2 mags of 15?


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