Thursday, December 23, 2010


More than 18 months after U.S. Customs and Border Protection inspectors were supposed to start enforcing stringent ID requirements at the nation's land borders, millions of travelers are still being admitted without passports or other secure IDs, a new government audit shows. [More]

If that doesn't prove the whole thing is an illusion, nothing does.

Remember that as they grope your junk. And when the next mass attack happens. And when the government uses that as the excuse to impose further controls on you.


  1. I, an American citizen, now have to have a passport even to go to the Third World Caribbean (IF I could afford it) and re-enter my "homeland." A birth certificate card or driver's license with photo used to be sufficient.
    I'm subjected to greater scrutiny than the invading horde? No surprise there. I'm the big threat. They generally support the same kinds of laws as they're supposedly escaping.

  2. But for God's sake, don't point out those security flaws. Our masters hate to be second-guessed.
    This airline pilot did, and was relieved of his gun and concealed carry permit.
    I doubt his YouTube videos showed anything any passenger couldn't have observed for himself.
    He mentioned how pilots have to be searched but ground crews don't. And after he's been checked for a pocket knife, there's a big ol' crash ax in the secure cockpit...
    And he's at the controls of a multi-million-dollar flying fuel tank...

    (via and Western Rifle Shooters Association)

  3. This is worth watching. It has the entire cast of characters.
    A TV news story about the Border Patrol agent killed last week and the family's anger at Janet Napolitano for not doing what's necessary to secure the border
    The Authorized Journalist says to the family "He was killed by a bullet from an AK-47, a much more high-powered rifle than he had. What do you think about that?"
    The Grieving Relative responds "Where did they get that? Those guys are the ones they should go after."
    About what we should expect from the loved ones of a lifelong Only One, I guess.

  4. A snippet of the pilot's video is here -- nothing any of us hasn't seen and didn't know -- ground crews fan those unguarded doors throughout the day. I remember an airline ground crew member sneaking a box of box cutters onto a plane to show how easily it could still be done. They arrested him.
    There's also video of the six feds and deputies walking up on him in his yard.

    All this is amazing, considering the restaurant chain my daughter works for won't let their waitstaff and kitchen crew leave the building AT ALL during their shift, even during breaks, afraid they might be stealing from the Country Store or using drugs in their cars or who knows what.

  5. Sounds like the DEA is the new CIA. El Presidente of a Third World country: Need help with wiretaps on your political opposition, a heads-up that your drug-lord son is about to have a shipment seized so he can replace it with flour, other (mostly) dry merc work?


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