Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Obvious Solution

A woman was bitten on the face by another woman while her brother had his jaw smashed and arm broken in the second beating on Kaikoura streets in six weeks, a victim's partner says. [More]
Why didn't they just use a fire extinguisher?

I thought New Zealanders were made of sterner stuff...

[Via William T]


  1. Wikipedia:
    "In New Zealand, a firearms licence is required by:

    anyone wishing to possess or use firearms,
    arms dealers, and their employees, and
    anyone between 16 and 18 years wishing to use or possess air guns.
    There are exemptions from the need for a licence for police, military and related occupations."

    230,000 licensed Kiwis own 1.1 million guns, in a total population of 4,297,000.
    I make that to be one out of every 18 people. Far too few. No wonder the thugs are rising up.


    Swedish Christian homeschoolers lose son, get a one-hour visit every 5 to 6 WEEKS. If Mom keeps crying during those visits, that will be reduced. They can't use their own lawyer to sue the government to get their son back, only a government-appointed one.
    Swedish gun laws sound very similar to New Zealand's. (And described by a Swede as lax for Europe.)
    This is the country everyone points to when they talk about the high standard of living under successful socialism.


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