Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Superpowers and the Second Amendment

First, all possessors of potentially harmful powers could be subject to a background check if they did not have the powers from birth. If they failed the background check, they could be forbidden to use the power (although use in self-defense might still be allowed by the Constitution). A registration scheme would be likely (Note, this likely would not run afoul of the Constitution because it does not apply to all mutants or superpowered individuals, just those with potentially harmful powers).

Second, exceptional powers could be subject to a permitting system including more thorough background checks and training requirements. Some powers could be expressly prohibited outside police or military use. [More]
How do you say "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ!" in Kryptonian?


  1. Love the way this writer simply brushes aside anything that doesn't fit his version of "truth."

    Obviously, he's never considered that self ownership (existential or from God - same thing) is the source of all human rights, and predates all human history.

    Molon labe indeed.

  2. You can't say Molon Labe in Kryptonian because they all died refusing to believe those words existed.

  3. I dunno. Show of hands; how many people here have read comic books?

    Honestly, the site is interesting but it's primarily dealing in hypotheticals and 'what ifs'. I like it (because I'm a big ol' geek and I like exploring the various socioeconomic ramifications of things 'not of our reality'), but I don't take it too seriously.

    Still, you'd have a hell of a time either way. On one hand, forcing someone to undergo a background check for superpowers inherited (or even gained through serendipity) is a lot like trying to register someone's kung fu skills (yes, I know, it's probably being done now. Still stupid).

    On the other hand, pop open your search engine of choice and look up some of comics' heaviest hitters. The Incredible Hulk, for example. Now try to imagine arguing he shouldn't be dosed to the gills with relaxants to keep him from wrecking city blocks.

    I am damn glad we don't have this problem in reality. Fighting over the Second Amendment with hoplophobic monarchists is enough for me.


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