Monday, December 20, 2010

We're the Only Ones Booming Boomer Enough

The family had an electric fence, but there was not a sign alerting the officer it was there, Daniel said. [More]
In the course of our daily walks, the wife and I pass literally dozens of such yards with yapping mutts asserting their territoriality. They're knuckleheads--that's what they do. If we acknowledge them at all it's to laugh and tell them how good and cute and brave they are, and to apologize for not having any treats.

So it figures the "Only One" response is to murder the family pooch.


  1. If I were that afraid of a GOLDEN RETRIEVER, the most people-loving dog on the planet, I'd turn in my badge, go home and hide under the bed. Apparently the dog sensed something bad about the cop, and I agree. Only a handful of times in my life have I not been able to get a dog to wag his tail and let me pet him with a few gentle words and letting him sniff my hand.
    Dogs bluff, at first. They bark and make a false charge, then stop to see what the intruder will do. This was akin to murdering a member of a family for just being "on the job."

  2. I am so tired of this. And so angry, I dont even know what to say. I am quickly coming to the belief that, good or bad, ALL cops need to burn in Hell. And soon.

  3. All I have ta say, after seeing
    dozens of these atrocities, is this:

    If ANYONE shoots my dog, I will
    kill them, anyone with them, and then probably go on an extended "hunting trip".

    On a lighter note, the WV is "Belen", a town just a ways south of Albq. LOL...


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