Monday, August 30, 2010

A Tale of Two Leaders

No wonder ol' Pooty-Poot thinks he can get away with whatever he damn well feels like on the world stage. I can't tell from the photo if there's a little thumb bell on the Obamacycle.

I wish someone with proper PhotoShop skills would turn this rough draft idea into a finished product:

UPDATE: Mayor Joel Stoner offers this:

We're the Only Ones Cut Back Enough

Cutbacks force police to curtail calls for some crimes [More]
Gee, we're scaling down in my neck of the woods, too.

That's not necessarily a bad development for those of us under no illusions about the police protecting us. For others...

I'd like to think there will be an uptick in freedom, but experience hath shewn they'll likely focus on revenue generation activities at the expense of public safety--plus, the public employee union mentality means they'll have even crappier attitudes.

[Via Jeffersonian]

A Matter of Perception

The rural community hopes a killer is found so they can once again feel safe. [More]
Time was, a rural community would mobilize and, you know, be safe.

[Via William T]

"Who Will Help Me Clean the Kitchen?" asked the Little Red Hen.

Remember this guy?

The one who needed help planting the seed, and threshing the wheat and milling the flour and baking the bread?

He's looking for a few people who won't say "Not I."

Otherwise, he'll have to pay for it all himself, too.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

‘Boozy Britain’ grapples with bottle [More]
That's what happens to people who've lost all self-respect.

Not that we don't have our share on this side...

[Via Ed M]

No, You Can't Have One

Your parents at the state of Massachusetts say you're not responsible enough, and if you disobey, you're gonna get in trouble. [Read]


Because we said so.

Now be quiet. Subjects should be seen and not heard.

[Via Ed M]

NAACP armed defense endorsement is inconsistent with group's anti-gun stance

The thing is, in spite of all the hostile noise, I'm just not seeing why this is a race issue. Why does it matter what color either man was?

And the other thing is, it's interesting how the NAACP comes out in favor of armed defense when there is a race issue to exploit. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a situation that is not black and white, no matter how much some would like us to believe that it is.

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Rigid Resistance

Mayor Sam Adams' plan for new Portland gun laws could face stiff opposition [More]
Please--don't use that term when talking about Mayor Sam...

And this I like, from poor-minding-her-own-business-being-personally-pilloried-by-gun-bullies Ginny Burdick:
"The fundamental problem we have in Salem is the extremist end of the spectrum in the gun-owning community dominates the debate. They look bigger than they are because they're so loud."
Yeah--the media acts like such an amplifier for us. Fortunately, we don't need to be any bigger than, say, three percent...

Except if you're not an "Only One," you're just not competent enough to be trusted, and to suggest otherwise is extremist.

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...

Bloody 25-hour span takes the lives of 4 New Yorkers, police say [More]
Mayor Bloomberg's taxpayer-funded armed bodyguards report hizzonor was never in any danger.

Thank goodness!

[Via Harvey]

Just Giving Them What They Want

Robbers shoot penniless victim in Akron [More]
Any questions?

Going with the Flow

Not really related to anything here except I came across this while looking for a synonym for the word "mum"...anyway, I don't think I'll be taking the kids any time soon, although I do kind of wonder about the gift shop souvenirs... [Read]

"miami dade polices"

miami dade polices please help our young people from dieing ever day get on ya job help stop the violes in the comments and in the street let clean up the street bye takeing back our guns [fifth comment here]
Alrighty then.

This Day in History: August 30

Almost all of St. Philip’s communicants turned out at Mazyck’s pasture on Sunday morning, August 30, 1778, to witness the settling of a score between the generals. [More]