Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Uphold Sensible California Gun Law!

"The people of California have made the reasonable decision to keep people from legally carrying loaded guns in their streets, parks, and businesses, unless law enforcement determines someone has good cause to be armed,” said Brady Center President Paul Helmke. “The Constitution does not require people to be subjected to the grave risks of more loaded guns as they go about their daily lives. The Second Amendment should not be rewritten as a mandate for the gun lobby’s ‘any gun, anywhere, for anybody’ agenda." [More]
Hey, isn't that basically the same position this guy took when he had a say in such matters?

SAAMI, How I Love Ya, How I Love Ya...

Not. [Read]

More "enforce existing gun laws" crap from the kapo industry collaborator...

"Safe storage," "gun free schools," background checks...

With "friends" like these...

[Via Steven L]

OFF Candidate Ratings

If you're an Oregon gun owner, click here for Oregon Firearms Federation's assessment.  Be sure and pass their link on to others.

Want to Know if the FBI Is Tracking You? Look for One of These

I can't tell if it's a lightsaber or a vibrator for masochists... [Read]

[Via Ed M]

Postal Ban Challenged

Attorney Jim Manley and the Mountain States Legal Foundation are taking on the US Postal Service's ban on any firearm on USPS property. [More]
That's good news for those of you not already ignoring it...I'm assuming those with "permits" are not.

We're the Only Ones "Animal House" Enough

A part-time police officer is a suspect in the shooting death of a fellow college student Sunday. [More]
Fat lotta good this did:
Do not bring on campus any fireworks, explosives, materials used to make explosives, or weapons, including, but not limited to, firearms of any sort, BB guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, air rifles, air pistols, air soft guns, slingshots, leaded cane, bows, and metallic knuckles. Hunting and switchblade knives are prohibited; only knives with folding blades are permitted.
Or this:

If persons are threatened by a weapon, secure a place of safety then call 911.
Besides, since when do those rules apply to the "Only Ones"?

[Via FFFW]

If They Can Get You Asking the Wrong Questions...

What's this "legally owned"?  [Read]

I guess you could substitute the word "morally," but I still question what business it is of any of the naysayers...

[Via W3]

We're the Only Ones "No Honor Among Thieves" Enough

Two Cops Accused of Robbing Undercover Officer

Officers allegedly stole marijuana from undercover officer with intent to distribute [More]
I'm being unfair--this was, after all, Philadelphia. I'm sure we're dealing with just a few bad apples.

Hey, don't open that barrel...

[Via lots of you]

A Criminal for Gun Control Objects

by Joe Illuzzi 5 hours ago

Your problem is you are quoting far left wing publications, most out of business. Very little of what is reported in these publications is true, just libel. Yes I was involved in a bank job 40 years ago & put on probation. Yes secutirty fraud 20 years ago. So what. I offered my record to the Times. The counters that you site are as fraudulent as your colum. Next time give me a call. PoliticsNY.Net [More]
If you would like to tell a convicted getaway driver in a bank robbery that used terrorist threats why you disagree with his position that civilians should not own firearms, please feel free.

Lawman of the Year

Even though busy pushing gungrabbers on an uninformed electorate, they still have time to honor the "Only Ones," complete with perpetuating the "patrol rifles" meme. [Read]

Nothing against you Sarge, you're no doubt a brave guy, and I honor that, but I do have one question: If I acted like the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed--in front of you, with all that that implies--would you arrest me?

Does Dan Lungren really deserve an NRA endorsement?

As if that wasn't enough, Lungren presided over actual gun confiscation. Here's a recap from -- make sure you follow all the internal document links like this one to see how he supported waiting periods and the Brady Bill, was endorsed by HCI, supported a fundraiser for Jim Brady, supported magazine bans, supported "gun free school zones," opposed concealed carry...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column exposes what can only be deemed a demonstrable fraud. Guess who's perpetuating it?

Share the link?

This Day in History: October 6

Daybreak, the British assault force began moving across the bay, 7 miles to the mouth of the Little Egg Harbor River. [More]