Nominate Your Hero

Good grief.  [More]

I nominate this guy, for when he was Attorney General. Based on results, many at Fairfax agree.

JBTs Without Borders?

A Thai court on Tuesday removed a key legal obstacle to the extradition to the U.S. of an alleged Russian arms smuggler dubbed "the Merchant of Death." [More]
So, like, extradition can flow both ways, right? If the U.S. turned one of us over to a foreign government, they wouldn't have to observe our domestic Constitutional protections, would they?

Kind'a makes one wonder why anyone should go gentle into that good night...

[Via Mama Liberty]

Where Credit is Due

Citibank has discriminatory anti-gun lending policies. [Read]

Make that known. They're not the only usurer out there.

My suggestion--if you need a line of credit/business loan and don't have a satisfactory relationship with a local institution, check with the ones who offer cards to the gun rights advocacy groups.  Just make sure they don't have those damn "No Guns" signs posted at their branches.

It's awful hard to find an honest loan shark these days...

The One-Legged Stool

There are fortunes to be made promoting gun control. [More]
Yeah, but without factoring in lives and sacred honor, something they wouldn't understand, these greedy subversives may find themselves in a wobbly position and then flat on the ground. 

I much prefer a solid chair, sit back in and read Howard Nemerov's latest offering at Pajamas Media, and for other purposes as needed.

Texas police theft illustrates futility of total 'gun control'

Understandably, the government is portraying this as "an unacceptable blemish on the integrity of law enforcement in Liberty County." Perhaps.  But what is also unacceptable is the systemic lack of controls and accountability that would lead anyone to think they could get away with such a scheme--repeatedly and over the course of years. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at how, under government management, total control can turn into just the opposite.  Say, maybe we shouldn't be fighting it so hard...

Also listen to the sounds of silencio greeting Kurt Hofmann, and watch this week's program and answer a poll over at American Trigger Sports Network.

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This Day in History: October 7

Daybreak Commander Colins faced with the decision to follow the original plan and continue up the Little Egg Harbor River and destroy "The Forks" and the iron works at Batsto or to abort the mission, since the element of surprise had been lost. [More]