Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Watchmen Reminder

I'll be Doc Bean's guest tonight on The Watchmen (5:00 pm-6:00 pm PST/8:00pm-9:00pm EST), when we'll be talking about the Korean surplus rifle story and more.

Click here to listen live. I understand you can also chat while the show is in progress.

The toll-free call-in number is 1-888-953-5911 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-888-953-5911      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, but they do request those who have "free" long distance to please call 1-541-787-4028 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-541-787-4028      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

I hope you can join us.

Liberty News/Safer Streets

John Longenecker has a published a new issue of his newsletter. 

Click here to read it, and here to get email updates.

SAF Leads Again

Acting on behalf of a Georgia resident and honorably discharged Vietnam War veteran, the Second Amendment Foundation today filed a lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Holder and the Federal Bureau of Investigation over enforcement of a federal statute that can deny gun rights to someone with a simple misdemeanor conviction on his record. [More]
Excellent. I can't wait for them to win this case so that proper credit can be given.

We're the Only Ones Bubbly Enough

The Toronto policeman dubbed "Officer Bubbles" over an incident during the G20 summit has launched a million-dollar lawsuit against website YouTube. Const. Adam Josephs filed a $1.2-million lawsuit over cartoons that have surfaced since the incident. [More]
What, like this one?
I guess Mr. Bubble here never heard of the Streisand effect?

[Via Steve T]

Size Doesn't Matter

We need to elect candidates who understand that it's not the size of government that's the issue. [Read]

It's all about staying attached to the host.

The bit about "wasteful contracting out/privatization" almost made me laugh out loud, simply because of the boldness and irony of the lie.

Mostly the Dems in Ohio are running the filthiest political campaigns I've ever seen--all personal attacks, no issues of substance. Anyone who would vote based on these spots is guilty of citizenship malpractice.

In one, a candidate is attacked because he's dared to suggest that people ought to have the option to manage and invest a small portion of their government-mandated/confiscated retirement funds. A quote from the ad as near as I can remember:
I'm not going to let you privatize MY Social Security.
Think about that.

Size doesn't matter.  Neither does reality.

It will if those clouds on the horizon mean what I think they do.

Old Dominion

I'm pretty sure goats aren't supposed to end up on top. [Read]

[Via Jeet]

The Failure of Our Education System

2 workers killed in Tenn. post office shooting [More]
Maybe they can't read, but dammit, you'd think they'd get the idea from that big graphic at the entrance.

The one that says "Designated Bandar Zone"....

The Perfect Servant

So worn down by the violence, so subservient and submissive had Bandar become that he was incapable of any effective resistance. [More]
Bandarizing--now there's a concept! Have you been bandarized?

And the Nominees Are...

Just when you think nobody can be Cukier than Wendy, The Globe and Mail outdoes itself. [Read]

How can New Jersey imprison a gun owner who broke no laws?

Here's the thing: Once it was determined he did not pose a danger to himself or others, why was Aitken not released and his property returned to him? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes it's a Jersey thing.

Also, don't watch The Watchmen, listen to them.

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This Day in History: October 19

There are several weighty reasons why the Army should be held in as collected a state as possible. vzt The safety of it – its readiness to act offensively upon any opportunity being given by the Enemy. Its discipline. Its reputation, for if the Army is dispersed into [struck: many] [inserted: several] cantonments or not The Calls of [strike-out] many officers who have [2] Families will be so great as to oblige them to obtain [struck: either] furlowe or leave the service – The chance will be equal that the officer who go home for the winter are as good as any in the service. If the army is divided in to several cantonments the loss of these officers for the time will be much greater than if the Army is collected. Duty in the Cantonments will be much more more long than in the main Army. The men will maraud. and most probably the body of troops will be much more unfit at the opening of the Campaign to take the field than when they went into Quarters – [More]