Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dire Need

Not bad, starting at $65K. Plus they start you right out with fantasies about that "Only Ones" attitude that separates "Us" from "Them."

Check out the "r" in "Dire." Is that a pistol motif à la "The Sopranos" logo?

What I'm not seeing is if this is actually an ad placed by the Bureau or if this is some matchbook training school--Regardless, somebody figured out they could make money appealing to a certain type of mentality.

UPDATE: Matchbook U. Not an offer of employment!  Financial assistance available if qualified!

A"Pro-Gun Democrat"?

Man Shoots TV Over Bristol Palin Dancing
Suspect surrendered after 15-hour standoff with cops [More]
I dunno, I pretty much have to fight the same impulse whenever that methane-spewing RINO cow Meghan McCain gets air time.

[Via Shy III]

A Student Debate

Try debating Cho. [Read]

Let us know what he says.

If They Can Do This to Cell Phones...

...they can do this to cars. [Read]

And to "smart guns."

And the winner of the coveted "Just Doesn't Get It" Award:
“Am I on a rampage,” said LaHood...“Yes, I am, and why shouldn’t I be?”
Let's just think about that for a moment. 
[Via Mack H]

An Unappealing Development

But don't worry--John Richardson tells us that's good news. [Read]

And I Used to Be an American

And I used to be an American,
where I think I once was free.
and I won’t forget the men who groped,
and grabbed and pawed at me.
Alvie rewrites some lyrics.

My Man Mitthead Redux

This anti-gun slug wants the top spot.

This one never stopped wanting it, and he's apparently considered a "frontrunner" of sorts.

Fortunately for him, the signals have been sent on multiple occasions.

See, the whole purpose of the Tea Party movement and the groundswell of citizen dissatisfaction with oppressive government has been to make sure Establishment RINOS get more power over our lives.

Note to Stupid Party: You will blow it all.

Note to Fairfax: This ain't a chess game.

"The Agility to Pivot"

We just saw one take on this.

Figures this Republican idiot would endorse the polar opposite:
I'm one of those who happens to support the full body scanner.
And, oh, look: same signal-senders!

Anybody still have any questions about "Vote Freedom First"?

Someone to Watch Over Me

Kottkamp wanted the state to pay for 24-hour security from his full-time escort and driver, a captain in the Florida Highway Patrol, which would have cost thousands of dollars. [More]
Let me guess--the gallant captain would have been able to protect his charge from

Any "Only One" action going on here? You talk a great game, Jeff.

If you did a statistical analysis of Religion of Peace victims, how many Florida political elites have they racked up, as opposed to, say, "ordinary citizens" who travel overseas at their own risk, and who are banned from defensive options by law?

[Via Ed M]

We're the Only Ones Pawn Stars Enough

A south Georgia police officer has been suspended without pay after his indictment on federal firearm charges along with two pawn shop owners and two store employees following an undercover investigation. [More]
I sometimes get the feeling this whole unreal "Only Ones" phenomenon is a bad reality show.

[Via FFFW]

The "No Only Ones" Bill of 2010

If we can't grope, they can't. [More]

This guy gets it.

Amazing how many from "our side" have tried to torpedo him. The rhetoric when he was running for president is telling.

Of course, look where they were getting their signals from.

[Via FFFW]

We're the Only Ones Drawing Enough

When the We Demand Someone Else Pays for Us crowd and "Only Ones" collide...[More]


[Via FFFW]

We're the Only Ones Undead Enough

A Raleigh police officer was arrested Tuesday on charges that he posed as a dead man to get a prescription painkiller. [More]
Sounds like he could use more Brainnnsss...

[Via Fill Your Hands]

Brady Campaign endorsed ‘gun criminal’ legislator

Do you get the feeling that perhaps there’s a bit of projection going on? I mean, how could you trust others to behave responsibly when that ability is apparently so personally elusive?

And it gets better. Guess who endorsed Myers in 2008? And guess whose proposed laws get cited in a propaganda report demanding to shut down “rogue gun dealers” in PA? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column introduces you to a convicted "gun criminal" and Brady Campaign pick who doesn't trust YOU with guns.

Also get more discussion on the pistol grip shotgun issue and revisit the predictions of a seer.

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