We're the Only Ones Cheating in More Ways Than One Enough

An off-duty cop kills a man who finds the cop sleeping with his wife. Again, the force exonerates its own without charges being filed. [More]
Yes, they think they can take it all.

And we're supposed to believe primae noctis is a fiction...well, maybe first is...

[Via John Richardson]

Checkpoint Charlie

Mostly trucks were being checked...[Read]


They came first for the trucks...

What are your options for refusing if they come for you?

Will they make you go through this?

What have you got to hide?


And remember: They hate us because we're free!

[Via cycjec]

Truth in Government Advertising

Hell, once they can get you to obey as a conditioned response, why wouldn't they automatically think this? [More]

[Via Ed M]

I Don't Want Her, You Can Have Her

Women accused of hiding merchandise in body fat [More]
I hope they used gloves to retrieve it, and that they're not going to restock it on the shelves.

Why am I reminded that Shar Peis should be frequently bathed lest the bacteria that collects in the folds of their skin begins to fester and smell?

Class, thy name is  Ailene.

You too,  Shmeco (not to be confused with Groucho, Harpo and Chico...?)

Mr. Godfrey? Your cue:
I get dizzy
I get numb-o
when I'm dancing with my jum-jum-jumbo..

It's OK

It doesn't matter. [Read]

He doesn't mean it anyway. Neither of them do. 

Besides, it's not like Establishment "left" and "right" isn't just a sleight-of-mind game anyway.

Can corrupt government legitimately decide who it allows to keep and bear arms?

This is not “just a few bad apples,” as the ubiquitous police [state] apologists would have us believe. For every one exposed, there’s an entire support system of co-workers, superiors and subordinates who witness attitudes,  behaviors and actions every day and keep silent, going along to get along, to protect their own place at the table and/or activities.  [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a whole rotten barrel.

Also see more citizen disarmament foolishness in Portland, and join a celebration.

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