Feds Follow Constitution!

See, it clearly says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." [Read]

They're not.

They're disrespecting it!  No problem.

Hey--does this mean we can't get EID stamps any more...?

Would Somebody Please Sic PETA...

...on this animal-murdering astroturf Fudd? [Read]

You know, in the spirit of CUM ULLA SELLA...?

[Via Michael G]

Something Must Be Done!

The Gray Lady suffers Montezuma's Revenge and soils herself  [Read]

Hey, I just thought of a new statistic that might be helpful at putting things into perspective:

100% of Mexican crime guns are used illegally by criminals.

Without exception!

What is this, some sort of search for common ground?
It is hard to believe that most ordinary N.R.A. members would not agree something must be done about the cross-border sale of war weapons that underpins the drug scourge. 

Speaking only for myself, yeah, I do.  It's just not the same "something" you bloomer-soilers want done, which Kurt does a nice job explaining.

And as far as this goes:
If it takes an executive order to cut the carnage, President Obama should not hesitate.
You'd think people covering politics for as long as they have would be a lot smarter than that. 

[Via Michael G]

Well HERE'S the Problem...

If he'd have stuffed it in his undies, they'd have found it no problem. [Read]

Hey, maybe that could be a new requirement...

[Via Sean McClanahan]

We're the Only Ones Distrusted Enough

Wait a minute...I thought the whole point behind assigning "Only Ones" powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men was that they're supposed to be MORE trusted... [Read]

It also looks like they could improve that trust if they instituted some kind of affirmative action program to shoot more white people...?

[Via Dave Licht]

Must've Taken a Wrong Turn in Albuquerque

Won't someone prosecute this family for not locking up their guns away from children? [Watch]

[Via David R]

We're the Only Ones Pawn Stars Enough

A 12-year veteran of the MARTA police force pleaded guilty to stealing more than $26,000 worth of equipment from his employer and then pawning it. [More]
You know, Atlanta, where only the "Only Ones" should have guns at the airport.

If you have a problem with that, weirdo, we suggest you don't advertise it.

[Via Harvey]

About That Money We Owe You...

We don't think we should have to--or that we owe you that much.  It's not like what you did was as complicated as being complex or anything with complicated complex complications... [Read]

Personally, I think Gura ought to send Don King to collect.  He has a way of uncomplicating things.

In Lieu of an Actual Alternative

Oropeza was a gungrabbing fascist control freak and Lieu is no better. [Read]

Of course, neither is Arnhole.

These people are bound and determined to continue down the path of self-destructive freedom repression, i.e., "progressivisim."

I guess those who haven't been completely ruined still have enough left over to help with the "too big to fail" bail out?

Police treat pro-gun bumper sticker as probable cause for pat down

I wonder if an NRA sticker would do it? Is this not a real-world example to prove the answer is "Yes"? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column demonstrates the inherent dangers of truth in advertising when the message advocates "Every One" instead of just "Only Ones."

Also get a comprehensive recap and resolve to make an introduction.

Resolve to introduce the link to your friends?

This Day in History: December 17

By the time Hamilton entered Vincennes on December 17, so many Indians had joined the expedition that his force had increased to 500 men. As Hamilton approached Fort Sackville, the French-Canadian militia under Captain Helm deserted, leaving the American commander and a few soldiers to surrender. The townsfolk promptly renounced their allegiance to the United States and renewed their oaths to King George. After the recapture of Vincennes, most of the Indians and Detroit militia went home. Hamilton settled in at Fort Sackville for the winter with a garrison of about 90 soldiers, planning to retake the remaining Illinois towns in the spring.

Conclusion: British Victory [More]