Monday, January 31, 2011

The Reuters Dictionary

self–de·fense noun \ˌself-di-ˈfen(t)s\
Definition of SELF-DEFENSE
1: vigilantism
2: selfish lawlessness
Egypt vigilantes defend homes as police disappear  [Read]

Gee, where have we ever seen that before?

And thanks. "Authorized Journalists," for setting us straight on the proper way to look at throwbacks who defend their lives and homes in the absence of "Only One" protection.

Figures, the entire Middle East is about to blow up with radical regime changes, some suspect with no small amount of cause precipitated by the subversives at our ship of state's helm, and this idiot decides it's a fine time to visit Haiti to promote our vital national interests:

[Via Dave Licht]


  1. Could this be the sh--storm the UN has been hoping for to declare a global arms embargo on civilians?
    Would explain why SecState is ignoring it to go to de islands, mon.
    "Why, no, I had no knowledge of that."

  2. It's going to go to Haiti to do that voodoo, she do, so wellllllll. Besides, I hear that's where the zombie thing originated from, so she'll fit right in.

  3. I wonder what "political crisis" Hitlery is going to mediate. Suppress opposition to the return of dictator "Baby Doc" Duvalier?


  5. My message to WaPo:
    Has anyone associated with the Washington Post made any phone calls, sent any e-mails, or communicated with any contacts in the ATF reference allegations made by David Codrea, Mike Vanderboegh, or any of the Senators named in David's or Mike's blogs dealing with what has become to be known as "Project Gun Walker"?

    Is the Washington Post out of the business of investigative journalism?

    Woody W Woodward [W3]
    Spur, Texas

    Response - probably the only one I'm gonna see:
    "Your message was sent to James V. Grimaldi. Thank you for taking the time to contact us.
    Because of the high volume of correspondence, Washington Post staffers are not always able to reply to every message."


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