Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Emergency Justification

Gunleaders.com links us to documents BATFU filed with OMB to "justify" their latest scheme.  [Read]

Tandem Monitoring

I've noticed visits from DoJ have started happening in pairs--the same IP address, but two different computers, one using Netscape, the other IE, and within seconds of each other.

As I've explained before, per Site Meter, "If there were no out clicks on the last page viewed, the view time of that page will be 0 because it is unknown how long the page was actually viewed."

So--anybody have any ideas for why two simultaneous visits?

A Single Issue Organization

"The single purpose of society, indeed, is to protect the individual, and to give him the strength of the public arm, in defence of his just and natural right." – John Witherspoon, The Druid, Article II, The Works of John Witherspoon, pg. 156 [Read]
It's not about guns, it's about freedom.

[Via Paul W. Davis]

We're the Only Ones Sick Enough

The president of Fraternal Order of Police Union Lodge 126 says he believes the men who called in sick Friday were actually sick and not participating in a work stoppage as a letter hand delivered to most of the officers said.

Nearly all of the scheduled police officers on the 3 to 11 p.m. shift called off sick one hour before they were scheduled to report to work. [More]
Yeah, just a coincidence, I'm sure.

Maybe it will show people how little they really need these corrupt thugs.

[Via Hawk Eye]

The Brady Toolkit

John Richardson opens it up.  Unlike Craftsman, I don't see a lifetime guarantee... [Read]

We're the Only Ones Packing Heat in Parks Enough

After receiving the tip...[More]
Oh, they mean Internal Affairs, not  the 24-year-old backseat babe...

[Via Ed M]

We're the Only Ones Ousted Enough

City Manager Tom George said that he had moved up Chief Brian Tooley's planned retirement date to Monday. [More]
Because of Chip here. Nice to see the evil little punk getting his comeuppance, too.

Anybody think it would have happened without the video followed by public outrage and pressure?

Anybody think the reason the "Only Ones" don't want you taping them is for any other reason than to allow them to get away with thuggish behavior leaving things to your word against theirs?

Anybody automatically think their word is more credible than anyone else's?

I've been part of enough juries to know that many still believe that.  It would be nice to think that someday, our efforts will result in it not being "most."

[Via William T]

Wilding in Wisconsin

Where concealed carry is illegal, just in case anyone intent on serious mayhem wants to take note. [Read]

Didn't Janet II say malls were being considered for DHS "enhancements"...?

That might add a whole new meaning to browsing at The Gap...

[Via William T]

Before the Dam Breaks?

I wish I could believe this will really be allowed to make a difference. [Read]

Doing "The French Mistake"

Listen to him. [Read]
The Human Target, who is NOT anti-gun (just ask ABC!), agrees wholeheartedly with Monsieur LaPierre that:
We believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America's schools, period ... with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel.

Thanks for handing him the ammo. I guess that tepid backpedaling a while back wasn't a loud or credible enough repudiation...?

VoilĂ !

Taranaki Daily News pulls Texas gun column

Which is why it’s incumbent on those of us who aren’t “Authorized Journalists” to heed Patrick Henry and apply his “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty” admonition to every hit piece where we see ignorance, an agenda, and outright...uh...fabrications. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes the media's "top men" say it's absurd to expect them to present the simple truth. Based on results, it's even more absurd for us to expect them to.

Which means it's up to us if we want it out there.

Help do that by sharing the link?