Thursday, December 30, 2010

We're the Only Ones a Real Chip Off the Old Block Enough

The bad apple doesn't fall far from the tree...[Read]

What a punk. 

But no, no special treatment here...

[Via Harvey]


Defender said...

Justin appears to say twice of the homeless man that "He f---ed up!" By trying to do a policeman's job, breaking up a fight? Can't have that. He could have been hurt.
The second victim. Did Justin hear him object, or think he did?
They might let him skip the police academy. He's got the attitude already.
Alvie at The Cliffs of Insanity asks what comes after outrage fatigue, when the saturation of injustice upon injustice reaches maximum. We may find out.

Defender said...

"Search warrant!" Bam.
The battering ram
makes splinters out of the door.
Fifteen seconds, it's over.
The golf-club-wielding homeowner
Is lying, dead meat, on his floor.

Interesting comments after the story from someone who survived a different visit by the same officer.