From the Department of Redundancy Department

You know, using "progressive" and "hate" in the same sentence...[Read]

[Via Tina Terry]

We're the Only Ones All Wet Enough

Reda initially told police Stephens was a daredevil and had jumped off the boat, and that the men were the only ones on board. [More]
Well, at least that last part is true.

Thing is, if the guy has already been proven to be a liar, how can the subhead confidently tell us "The fellow officer was thrown overboard when the boat struck a pylon"?

Why should anyone believe his story now?

Time to Get Tough with the Religious Fanatics

You know, those who worship the all-powerful state?

I just got done with the Catholics.

Looks like "The Rev." Robert C. Moore wants some, too.

Yeah, dickhead, "get tough".

How many divisions do you have, again?

UPDATE: Alvie unloads a gigazine on the guy.


Alvie whips those who accuse us of strapping on a ball gag before reading the Constitution...and doesn't stop at the "safe" word. [Read]

Here's hoping it leaves a mark.

We're the Only Ones "Rectum? Damn Near Killed 'im" Enough

"The yanked me out of the car, put a knee on my back, and checked my rectum several times," said a 20 year old man who did not want to use his name. [More]

We're told, however, that's 'unlikely."  Department protocol 'n all...And seeing as how this is Maryland, recording cops to challenge their version of events is verboten.

Just like in Illinois.

Now bend over and just relax.

When a man doesn't even own his own @$$hole, the system's pretty much broken, don't you think?

We're the Only Ones Practical Enough

Citty said he supports an individual’s right to own a gun, but he sees no practical reason why someone needs an AR-15 or similar weapon. [More]
Keep betraying your oath to create the right set of conditions and you just might find out.  You might even end up being thankful when you finally realize why.  Or not.

No Charge

[P]rosecutors in Florida have ruled Baker should not face any charges, even though 18-year-old Carlos Musteller did not have a weapon.

Citing the state's 'stand your ground' law they ruled the 28-year-old was entitled to protect himself. [More]
Dang. VPC had a nice rope prepared for the guy and everything (see pg. 15).  They even had a catchy name for him and people like him: "Concealed Carry Killers".
Bummer. First the guy wasn't beaten to death and now this.

[Via Ed M]

Not "the Only One"?

Correspondent ED M passes on a link to "'Good cop' leaves sheriff's office," and tells me:
He wrote a letter to the editor published in the Sunday 1/16/2011 Tampa Tribune that is not available online, but it extremely relevant to what you advocate in your writings. Important enough for me to transcribe it for you...

Unfortunately, and especially in light of what predators like Righthaven are doing to bloggers, I can't post it in its entirety. The gist--in the wake of the Giffords shooting, and noting many other horrible ways the violent inflict death on others:
We need to create laws to help others, not to outlaw items.
If the letter becomes available in its entirety, I'll share the link.

Over the Topline

John Richardson notes Paul Helmke was "not let off easily." [Read]

Schumer drug use reporting proposal won’t stop violence, will infringe on rights

So how does one go about decrying this “reasonable, common sense” proposal without appearing to favor stoned-out (or worse) substance abusers walking the streets with guns? Schumer is nothing if not smart and shrewd. He appears to have constructed an argument few would dare publicly oppose.

How’s the line go? “I’m your huckleberry.”

Let’s ask a few questions...[More]

Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes the addictive nature of unbridled power.

Shoot a the link over to some fellow users?