Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Shape of Things to Come?

Iranian Book Celebrating Suicide Bombers Found in Arizona Desert [Read]

And just watch the fallout when one or more of these sons of the desert does a Beslan copycat act in one of our domestic "gun free/Harris-Klebold empowerment zones"--especially if they use "assault weapons."

A Pro-Gun Politician

Furthermore, I believe the Second Amendment is in the Constitution to provide the last defense of a free people against a tyrannical government. [More]
And that's why I'm publicly calling for civil war!

I asked a friend in MT "Is this moron senile or just a career Fudd?"

His response:
[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Click It or Ticket Enough

And remember: Buckle up...for safety! [Read]

That'll teach 'em!

[Via Michael R]

Sound Financial Advice

The ultimate way to protect your wealth, is with a gun. [More]
[Via Georg_M]

Lott on Magazine Bans

From John Lott:
For those interested, here is a debate that I had on magazine size limits on Southern California Public Radio.
Give it a listen.

We're the Only Ones Illuminating Enough Redux

The shooting of an innocent, unarmed elderly Bronx man by a cop who was trying to turn on a pistol-mounted flashlight is at least the second accidental police shooting in the United States involving that flashlight model. [More]

Figures. The fallback position is blame the "combo."

Because we all know Furious Mike's "Only Ones" are so highly trained that they can be trusted with guns and you can't.

[Via Kevin S]

A Civilizing Influence

W3 thought it appropriate to remind readers of a short essay that's been out there for a while. I agree. [Read]

Write Your Congressman

Repeal the Hughes machine gun ban? For what it's worth, I agree with Ajax 22. [Read]

I discussed the way it "passed" here.

And there's a lot more detail here.

I wish I had more time to spend on this, but I'm afraid my plate is rather full at the moment. Perhaps someone else will find this a niche they'd enjoy occupying...a comment poster on my GRE column indicated he was giving it a try, at least as far as providing an information clearinghouse.

As far as taking political action, I frankly expect to see more energy expended on why there isn't enough "political capital" to go around.  With the level of activism and engagement I see coming out of most gun owners, I can't say I disagree with that as much as I don't like it. 

[Via Microbalrog and AL]

The Wrong Questions

Arizona reported more than 3,000 murders with guns over a nine-year span (1999-2007), according to CDC data. That amounts to six gun murders per 100,000 residents. The national rate was about four. [Read]
Got any demographics for those residents? How many NRA members...? How many "prohibited persons"?
One of the best indicators of gun ownership is the level of gun-involved suicide rates, he said. The CDC numbers show Arizona ranked ninth in suicides with guns.
Is it truly gun "ownership," which is a legal term, and not applicable to criminal class gun possessors suffering from addictions and a host of other poor life choices?

Y'know, there are lies, damned lies and statistics.  I don't have time on what I'd hoped would be a simple blog post to go parse this article and find the data they left out in their presentation, but do note AZ seems to fare somewhat better than high gun control states like New Jersey, New York and California here--not that it establishes causality either.

For instance, guns would hardly seem to be a factor in gun-free Japan, and we still don't know what to do about the dreaded self-terminating "Only Ones" epidemic...
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers."
Thomas Pynchon (Gravity's Rainbow)

[Via Whitetreeaz]

Border Vigilantes?

Lotta conflation going on here to tar those who believe citizens have a role to play in securing the border.  [Read]

With the understanding that guilt has not been established, we're supposed to identify them all with the accused, I suppose, despite this:
In 2007, she first became involved in the anti-immigrant activities and later joined the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps. However, she was asked to leave the organization in February 2007 after members described her as being "unstable"
[Via Mama Liberty]

Reason to Believe

There is reason to believe that the Republicans may be on board. [More]
Aw go on. Next thing you'll be telling us is My Man Mitthead tops their internal polling.

Oh, wait...

What's Amazing to Me... that they need a frickin' bill to do this. [Read]

I can't help but wonder if they'll stay old school, or opt for that newfangled "living" interpretation...

Mad and Cracked

U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich has sued a congressional cafeteria after cracking a tooth on an olive that was not pitted. [More]
Wait a minute--that's old news:

I guess now that he's feeling the redistricting chill, he needs to find a new berth on the gravy train at the expense of his constituents. Figures for someone who made a career out of forced wealth redistribution that he'd be able to show everyone how a true professional helps himself.

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...

NYC Lawmaker Proposes Ban On Talking And Walking [More]
Chewing gun will be next.

Yes, they really think you require this much control from your superiors.

Don't expect any great uprising to remove this monster and all like him from those controls. If the collective there were capable of such dissent, we wouldn't be calling it Furious Mike Paradise, now, would we?

Don't you think that's a bit much salt you're using there...?  Not just New Yorkers, all of you.  We can't have local "loopholes"--otherwise we'd only be setting up conditions for--what do they attribute things to these days, where more loosely-controlled areas that have people getting along just fine are blamed for the misbehavior in more tightly-controlled areas where people don't?  Oh, yeah, "pipelines."

As a former nicotine addict (he has since substituted power as his preferred stimulant of excess), Bloomie's also, naturally, a tobacco Nazi.

Because you just can't be trusted to control yourself.


Defender points us to another control freak who thinks we need to be "taken over."

No Argument Here

There's a word for people who cling to absurd beliefs against massive evidence. They're called cultists, and they're currently in charge. [More]
It took struggling though this offensive nonsense all the way to the very last paragraph to finally find something this nitwit said that I could agree with.

[Via Michael R]

One question for ‘Project Gunwalker’ skeptics

I wrote and published that last Friday, referencing a January 20 Sipsey Street Irregulars post. We saw confirmation of the information four days later.

Ask yourself: How could we have known? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks a question that only has one answer.

Also listen to and watch two related interviews.

I have one more question, and this one's for you, personally: If this answers your doubts, will you help me break through the wall of official media silence by sharing the link?