Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Safer Streets/Liberty News

Families understand the price of a gallon of gas, a quart of milk, your average root canal, unemployment and even illness, but how the household will meet, manage, and even survive an encounter with violence is the most neglected area of household management. [Read]
Longenecker's latest...

Balancing Act

Balancing gun rights, safety is no simple task [More]

Sure it is--as long as you let me do my own balancing.

If you presume authority to do the balancing for me, well then, we're in danger of provoking Fudd's First Law of Opposition, meaning you get pushed back hard.

The Heller Decision

Not that Heller--another one. In re the Hughes Amendment:

[Click to enlarge]

Did he actually say he was going to...like, do anything about it?

[Via MicroBalrog]

Schumer's Trinity

...the Three Branches of Government [Watch]

Rule by "spate"?

Hey, if you're not doing anything wrong, what do you need courts for?

[Via Ron W]

That's Incredible!

Bird’s supporters say his defense was not legally able to challenge the credibility of the trespasser, Christine Harris... [More]
 How credible is a justice system that would not demand that?

[Via Ed M]

In the Shoes of Judas Bob

I guess you get what you pay for. [Read]

And you don't get it when someone else pays.

God forbid the job description would require principles.

Plumbing the Depths

I'd originally misread that as "plunging." [Read]

All things considered, that's actually probably more accurate.

Respecting the Establishment of Religion

Michigan School District Allows Sikh Students to Wear Religious Dagger to School [More]
Good for them.

But feral sons Uday and Qusay are kind'a partial to kukris over kirpans.

Houses of the Holy

H.B. 54: Georgia Pastor Supports Carrying in Places of Worship [Watch]

I guess we can't count on him to support the coalition...?

[Via Georgia Gun Owners]

Media begins noticing ‘Project Gunwalker’

The hold-out reporters I’ve been speaking with have been insisting we give them our sources and the documentation provided to the Senate. For those, aside from saying “No way,” all I can advise is that trying to approach this developing story from the totality of its scope may be presently undoable--my sense is that much of the validation will only come out with further disclosures from those who now have the testimony and the documentation to corroborate it.  And from those compelled to testify.

Under oath.  [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes the story is getting some limited attention. It's incumbent on those of us who want to see it get more than that to keep pressing.

Will you help do that by sharing the link?

This Day in History: February 1

A British landing force came ashore and after a short action with local Patriot militia, which they dispersed, the British force burned several homes and then returned to their ship. [More]