Thursday, March 31, 2011

Outing FOIDers

Note the word “legally.” The AP demands to make public the names of everyone who has shown a willingness to jump through hoops and comply with the law. That will do nothing to identify criminals, the ones creating all the problems, who just ignore it. So naturally, the anti-gun lobby, the “mainstream” media and opportunistic government officials are all for it, including Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who issued a ruling saying the list must be disclosed. [More]

I see GUNS Magazine posted my July piece to their website while I was on hiatus. I need to train them to tell me when they do this so I can help publicize it.

Share the link?

Obama Administration Caught Arming Mexican Illegal Alien Rebels

"This betrayal at the highest levels of our government is consistent with the other betrayals we have documented across the board," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "The Executive Branch of the federal government has been caught lying about border security, leaving our borders wide open during a time of war, failing to protect states from invasion as required by the US Constitution, and now providing military grade arms to the invaders. We are calling on the Congress today to use all possible remedies including investigations, prosecutions, impeachments, and possible charges of treason." [More]
They asked me to look at it before they published it. Here's my response:
They're not really military grade weapons per se--the AK47s allowed to walk were semiauto variants--militaries use select fire weapons capable of multi-round bursts and/or full auto. It is an important distinction, as the anti-gun media often confuses the public on the difference in order to gin up hysteria for further bans, and the strategy for them doing this, either through ignorance or intent, is one invented and promoted by anti-gun groups.  Besides which, full auto weapons manufactured after 1986 are illegal for civilian ownership, meaning the price of a pre-86 gun is many thousands of dollars, as opposed to hundreds for the semiauto version. Calling an AK clone an "assault rifle" and a Barrett, which many use for just plain fun a "sniper rifle" demonizes the tools.  I know it does not gin up as much hysteria, but you'll alienate knowledgeable gun owners using the same terms the antis and the media employ.  Suggest dropping "assault rifles" and using "semiautomatic", and dropping "sniper" from the Barrett ref.--sure, it can be used for sniping, but so can any accurate rifle.

Negotiation is Over

Fine by me.  Nothing to negotiate with these monsters anyway. [Read]

[Via PMH]

House Oversight Committee spokesman confirms ATF missed Issa deadline

Committee spokesman Seamus Kraft called this correspondent in response to a request made earlier today, and confirmed that "ATF did not meet our request deadline." [More]
Big mistake.

Unlike Grassley, Issa's not caged.

Ex-ATF SAC warns of ‘trap’ and ‘blood bath’ over ‘Project Gunwalker’

This refusal is exactly what some politicians want. If the “failure to cooperate” continues, ATF is in for another blood bath . . . maybe a fatal one this go-around. It could be an effortless task, a simple matter–while appearing logical to most uninformed citizens. Cost-cutting measures, directed at government employees, are a ready-made excuse to lop off heads. In 1992 - ‘93, ATF appeared to eat their own by purging nonconformist with a disastrous reorganization scheme where smoke and mirrors were the management tools of the day. [More]
Yeah, he's talking cost-cutting. The real blood bath comes from ethics-cutting by top management.

We're the Only Ones Who Don't Know Who You Are Enough

Ain't no jackbooted thug like a Philly jackbooted thug. [Listen]

We've been down this path before.

Exercise your rights and you're "looking for problems. Shut the f... up!"

And how dare you record an encounter with your masters, "tough guy"?

Sgt. Daugherty[sp?]--you are a raging, ignorant brownshirt thug, and a disgrace to everything the Republic is supposed to stand for. As are the other gang members who joined in with you to deprive a citizen of his rights while treating him as an inferior to be shouted at like...I was going to say a dog, but I don't know anyone who speaks to theirs in such barbaric, ugly tones.

[Via RT]

Survey SAYS...

...whatever you tell it.

John Longenecker has a special Safer Streets/Liberty News survey.

Click here to participate.

The new Safer Streets/Liberty News is here.

Did Melson make or miss Issa’s Mar. 30 'Gunwalker' deadline?

Chairman Issa wrote a letter to ATF AD Kenneth Melson on Mar. 16 requesting specific information and documentation regarding Project Gunrunner to be provided to his committee "no later than 5:00 pm on March 30, 2011."

Was the information provided by the deadline?

I am seeking a for-the-record quote to share with readers who have been following this story. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks a simple enough question, and wonders why a simple "yes" or "no" is so tough to extract from those who decry stonewalling when it happens to them.

This Day in History: March 31

Our conflict is not likely to cease so soon as every good Man would wish. The measure of iniquity is not yet filled; and unless we can return a little more to first principles, and act a little more upon patriotic ground, I do not know when it will, or, what may be the Issue of the contest. [More]

Malkin discusses 'Project Gunwalker' with Sean Hannity

Malkin followed up this column with an appearance Wednesday evening on the Sean Hannity program on Fox News, and again acknowledged our role. [More]
Video included.