A Good Search?

Reader "Archer" told me about this fundraising search engine. [Read]

I probably won't have time to look into it further for some time, so present it here for feedback/assessment if anybody has something to say--particularly if based on experience rather than conjecture.

Hey, Hey, DOJ

How many guns did you walk today? [More]

Western Rifle Shooters Association attends the Good O' Boy Goat Rodeo.

Did someone say "goat"?

Armed American Radio Gunwalker Segment

I see they've posted last night's interview with Mark Walters.  I was on in Hour Two, along with USCCA's "Self Defense Shield."  Click here to listen.

Also click on respective links for Hours One ("the concealed carry lifestyle") and Three (the Roundtable).

Don't Think of It as a Privacy Violation

Think of it as "leeway." [More]

You want to be safe, don't you?

Pretty sweet deal where you can give yourself power.  What could go wrong?

We're the Only Ones Not Having a Cow Enough

The cow made it home safely and, at last check, was eating grass. [More]
Hell, it's lucky they didn't turn it over to this guy.

Or this one.

[Via cycjec]

We're the Only Ones Personable Enough

The cop said he was speaking "not as a police officer, but as a person." [More]

But that doesn't mean you can respond to him not as an "Only One" but as a sociopathic authoritarian thug punk who deserves to get his ass kicked...

[Via William T]

The Keys to the Kingdom

Cedar Falls Demands Keys to All Commercial Properties (Including Rental Homes and Apartments) to Be Placed in Lock Boxes That City Employees Can Access [More]
Are these guys on board with that?

How about BATFU?

Why not ask them?

[Via Jeet]

Without the Express Written Consent of Major League Baseball

MLB warning teams about Chicago violence [More]
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

I've reached the point where I can muster no sympathy for anyone who would vote for a Richard Daley or a Rahm Emmanuel...

Would Founders be ‘horrified’ by today’s firearms technology?

What this meant, in modern gungrabber language, was "the authorities were outgunned"! Thank goodness. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary exposes a modern lie with ancient technology.

Also link up to today's Gunwalker hearings and listen to the premiere of War on Guns Radio.

This Day in History: June 13

In case the enemy march against West point, the inclosed is a general disposition for the army, which is to be varied according to circumstances and the particular movements of the enemy. [More]