Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Dirty Dozen, Gunwalker-style: Will they all come out like it's Halloween?

One: From the Fifth Floor, we've just begun.

Two: The walking plan is new.

Three: The SACs are on a spree. [More]
Whew. Busy day. Now I have to script tomorrow's show.

Bilirakis questions Holder, Melson on Tampa gunwalking allegations

“These reports,” Bilirakis writes, “raise troubling questions about the motives, intentions, and competency of the ATF and DOJ.” [More]
Once more Mike and I have an exclusive. Just because the big boys with budgets, staffs and resources are in on the hunt doesn't mean we can hang it up and trust them to do the work.

Does it?

So will you help our much weaker voices get heard by sharing the link?

Racist death threat for Oath Keeper Rhodes debunks SPLC ‘hate watch’ lie

We are not going to let you ‘disappear’ until you are a Darwin award winner safely dead. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the haters don't come from the side that values freedom.

Report Suspicious Activities At Once!

As a service for tipsters who want to see those responsible for these operations held to account, we are now opening a secure email tipline, gunwalkertips@hushmail.com .

You can send tips, photos, or forward emails or documents using your own existing email accounts, or get your own secure email address at https://www.hushmail.com/. [More]
I love it!  Using a tactic often employed by the anti-gun authoritarian left in the spirit of CUM ULLA SELLA IN PUGNO TABERNA...

For a safer America!

[Via Bob Owens]

To Be or Not to Be?

Suicide rate in Alabama hits 51-year high [More]
Naturally, it's the fault of guns.

Just ask the disarmed Japanese.

Or the Only Ones.

[Via Mama Liberty]

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

I am at a bit of a loss to know how to fight this by civil disobedience as indirect as it is and given the double-bind FFLs are in. Except, of course, by shoving the Gunwalker Scandal right down the Obama administration's throat and gagging their whole anti-firearm agenda to bureaucratic death.
Mark Walters, via email:
I have called for open defiance...law abiding people should never give in to this...ever...if you want to buy two guns, buy one today and one 6 days later. Enough is enough.
I like it. That and support the lawsuits--NRA's and whoever else jumps on board...

I Hate to Say "I Told You So"

But I did tell you so.

Now look.

What I shake my head over are the belligerent know-nothings who publish superficial, conclusion-jumping articles like they know what they're talking about, and then want to argue with me about this.  I just pretty much have to let it go and get on with my part in this.

Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio

  • Gun preppers
  • DoJ's multiple long gun reporting requirement
  • Debt fight also gun fight
  • Issa/Grassley respond to DoJ rule
  • Terry family wrongful death suit
  • Arizona Republic on guns
  • The Only Ones
  • Juan Williams-just another cheesy media Gunwalker apologist
  • Interview with Mark Walters/Armed American Radio
  • Drago Gear ambidextrous pack
  • Gunwalkin' with Vanderboegh
Join us at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."

Archives are here.  They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--or supposed to be--I'm still banging heads with them over that.

Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others.  We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message.  Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a  part of it.

Lineup subject to change without notice.