Friday, July 15, 2011

Isn't That Why We Racist Right-Wingers Do EVERYTHING?

Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black [More]
Damn, she found us out!

I'd say more, but I have to go. I'm cooking dinner tonight because Obama is black.

But I'll be back tomorrow. Why?

Because Obama is black, of course.

A Little Bird Told Me...

...the Ambassador to Honduras is in Billy Hoover's we speak...

What should we make of that?

Fish Cops to the Rescue!

Good Lord, Old Bloody Hands* is truly desperate. [Read]


A Useful Crowbar?

Only if wielded...
Making noise and banging pots and stomping is what made the Gunwalker story break loose from...not even the Gun Blogosphere but the much more limited-in-reach the Threepersphere--and it's the only way we're going to continue to gain ground and get media, and thus political attention, fighting for every damned inch.

Those of us pushing and pulling can't do it alone. Please share this link far and wide, not just with your friends but with other blogs, forums, and especially with media outlets and your political representatives.

We're the Only Ones Flushed Enough

Houston police and ICE internal affairs are investigating after a pistol that investigators say belonged to an ICE agent was found in a restroom at Bush Intercontinental Airport...[More]
See, this is why they're the "Only Ones" we can allow to carry inside airports...

It's the same old crap, I see...

[Via Lane]


Old Bloody Hands goes into full attack dive mode. [Read]

Hey, how many of you are making noise about this? Not in blog comments, but where it counts?

We're the Only Ones Trained Enough

One officer was struck in the thigh with a bullet, the other was hit by a "rock or shrapnel" from a bullet...Police were conducting training when the shooting happened...[More]
Well, we're always being told they're better trained than we are...and I have to admit, this is a learning curve I've never gone through.

We're the Only Ones Unpunished Enough

She also discussed her approach to discipline in the police department, which she believes has become far too "punitive" among "paramilitary organizations." She opts for additional training for officers, in place of disciplinary actions. [More]
So basically she thinks of herself as the commander of a standing occupational force...?

Is she wrong?

Hey, look at one of her peacekeepers is being charged with!

Seems to me indicting the poor guy for carrying on the time-honored tradition of occupying forces going back thousands of years is a know, punitive...

[Via Ian Branson]

What's in a Name?

An article on initially claimed the Tampa division was "walking guns" to Honduras in a way similar to Fast and Furious. [More]

What, this one?

Maybe he didn't give more detail because "Vanderboegh" is too hard to spell and my name is too hard to pronounce...?

Drudge Priorities

The guy's been about useless throughout.
[Click to enlarge]

Answer Me One Question

How do idiots like this one rate a cushy gig with a major network?  [More]

Oh, this explains it: He's lauded by The New York Times and The Washington Post. He's got "passion and idealism."  His commentary is "sprinkled with bitter irony."

Good Lord. These well-heeled regressives are so full of themselves.  Guess that makes up for them being a bunch of agenda-driven subversives.

Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio

  • Michelle Malkin gets it
  • Gunwalker ITAR violations
  • Gun Lobby Sycophants
  • Tiahrt Amendment under fire
  • Joe da sicko
  • Perry misses opportunity
  • NRA at UN
  • Barbershop
  • Interview: Alan Gottlieb
  • The Only Ones
  • Gunwalkin' with Vanderboegh

Join us at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."

Archives are here.  They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--or supposed to be--I'm still banging heads with them over that.

Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others.  We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message.  Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a  part of it.

Lineup subject to change without notice.