Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Of Special Interest

William Newell, former ATF Special Agent in charge of the Phoenix Field Division has been queried about his close relationship with Kevin O’Reilly, Director of North American Affairs of the National Security Council, and why, as stated in an e-mail to him with the caveat “You didn’t get this from me”, he wanted his friend O’Reilly to keep his name secret as a source of disclosure about an ATF investigation that allowed guns to “walk” to Mexican cartel criminals. This is of special interest because the NSC conducts its meetings in the White House Situation Room. The NSC’s advisor is responsible for providing the president and other NSC members, including the secretary of defense and secretary of state, with regular updates pertaining to all aspects of national security. [More]

And yeah, I'll take links from Forbes...

If ATF can’t tell us what a ‘firearm’ is, who can?

It’s more than just chasing after a rumor, which would be easy to dismiss or just flat-out ignore. A friend of mine has given me a real-world example, and per the concern I expressed yesterday, it involves a completely different firearm and a completely different caliber—meaning precedent has already been established—years ago—to mess with millions of gun owners based entirely on mercurial and mutable agency inconsistencies in application of rules.[More]
Another Gun Rights Examiner column for today...make all the news that needs to be shared stop!  Shoot, it's after 4:00 pm and I haven't even started on my radio show research for tomorrow yet...

Inside the 'kill box'

I think this story needs to go viral, because this kind of crap could happen to any of us. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report is a brief one--but one that needs to be shared because it really could be any one of us next.

A Lesson for All

No, we've already learned that The Cleveland Plain dealer is a punk rag--hopefully a dying one--willing to ultimately assign the blame for feral statist pig behavior on freedom. [More]

It's the same crap"Authorized Journalists" are doing with Gunwalker--poor ATF had no choice because of all those darn lax gun laws. 

What to Do if You're Attacked by a Punching Bag

I dunno...[Watch]

Seems to me at this point your defenses have already been breached and it becomes a matter of strength, skill, luck and will. It's been my experience that many fights do end up on the ground, and an attacker's not going to just lay there like a...uh...heavy bag, and what happens next could depend as much on what he does as what you do.

I've never been a fan of one-size-fits-all defense techniques--when the dynamics get fluid, plans often go out the window and what counts is ability to adapt with what you bring to the fight. And like I said, will.

One thing I do want to make clear though: I'm not saying dismiss the video--you may find yourself in a situation where you remember it and it works like a charm for you.   It's always good to have options, and this is one.

[Via Drew]

Profiling and predicting a leftist agenda in academic papers on ‘gun control’

The three knuckleheads have tripped into a stoogepile right out of the starting gate, and have no credibility for either subject matter expertise or judgment from this point on. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes just because you have advanced degrees doesn't mean you've learned a damn thing.

Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio

  • Will conversion uppers be classified as firearms?
  • Profiling/predicting gun control opinions
  • Super Congress super dangerous
  • Vin Suprynowicz on Norway
  • The Only Ones
  • Project GunWaPo
  • ATF: The secret of our success
  • Home defense in WA
  • Interview: Safe shooters endangered by "Only Ones"
  • The next battlefield
  • Gunwalkin' with Vanderboegh
Join me at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."

Archives are here.  They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date. Also note encores are being rebroadcast on Saturday.

Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others.  We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message.  Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a  part of it.

Lineup subject to change without notice.

This Day in History: August 2

The disaster in transporting provisions results in putting five days worth on each soldier, thus relieving pack horses and boats somewhat. [More]