Wednesday, November 23, 2011

When Limes Are Outlawed...

And they're those military-style "assault limes," with no legitimate culinary purpose...[Read]

Stupid limeys.

[Via Glocked and Loaded]

A Bit of Self-Serving Hyperbole?

The NRA is the sole protector of the Second Amendment... [More]
Cool. I've been working way too hard anyway. Nice to know the lone "Voice in the Wilderness" has things covered and we can all resume that carefree cavorting and gamboling we purposeless Eloi do so well...

How can ‘Snuffy’ Pfleger ‘lobby’ against a bill and keep tax-exempt status?

Fair is fair. If the “tolerant” left is going to invoke the state to silence conservative political thought, let’s see how they like living under the edicts they would impose on those who do not share their ideology. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary renders unto Caesar.