Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What's to Debate?

Whether to retreat and leave infants and toddlers to the mercy of a deranged abuser? [Read]

Yo, "Authorized Journalist" Mike Clary of the Sun Sentinel: What the hell's wrong with you?

And no, I don't see this as an "Only Ones" story.  The defending gun owner had no official advantages here over what are available to the rest of us. And as for the attacker being unarmed, the phrase "beaten to death" exists for a reason, and according to this account, several warnings were given.

That seems perfectly consistent with CUM ULLA SELLA...

1 comment:

  1. From the referenced article:

    "'Historically, you were to retreat rather than use deadly force,' said Nova Southeastern University law professor Bruce Rogow."

    Well, allow me to retort:

    "The universal practice of carrying arms in the South is undoubtedly the cause of occasional loss of life, and is much to be regretted. On the other hand, this custom renders altercations and quarrels of very rare occurrence, for people are naturally careful what they say when a bullet may be the probable result."

    LtC Sir Arthur James Lyon Fremantle, HM Coldstream Guards, 24 May 1863


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