Wednesday, February 08, 2012

For the Children

Firearms pervade our culture; they make some people feel secure and others afraid. Many people have no interest in owning (much less firing) one. And we'd rather not live near a commercial establishment that supplies folks who do. [More]
So there.

Good grief,  a business jumps through all the hoops required by frickin' New Jersey, for cryinoutloud, and that's still not good enough for children's book author DyAnne DiSalvo.

Can't have merchants in Merchantville--at least ones DyAnne deems unsuitable.

This is disgusting on so many levels, not the least being the treacly empathy exuding from sob sister Kevin Riordan, who really needs to wash this off and pop it back in.  Funny--the article doesn't invite comments...but at least there's some truth in the "More Like This" sidebar link section: Those articles are blatantly anti-gun, too.

Figures a "progressive" author who's offended by freedom would feel right at home at the UN International School in Hanoi...but then, after looking at her stock of "community"-oriented child programming materials, this hive insect queen wouldn't be offering anything the central planners wouldn't approve of--unlike literary freedom-seeking Vietnamese youth  whom they repress with their monopoly of violence.

Good thing the chances of having DyAnne and Kevin's gentle sensibilities offended by a gun store in Hanoi are pretty slim.

1 comment:

  1. My children's book may not be award-winning, "politically correct", or "progressive", but it's better for kids than her books are.


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