Thursday, February 02, 2012

A Sweet Deal

Calif. Researchers Now Want Sugar Controlled Like Alcohol and Tobacco [More]
Because government just can't have enough authority...  And not just deadly "assault sugar," that has no legitimate sweetening purpose.  Although I', sure "patrol sugar" will be exempt.

Then we can have tax stamps, and criminal penalties for selling to minors, and a new bla...uh...white market, with more lucrative criminal/law enforcement opportunities, and prosecutions and incarcerations, and..

California to run out of money by March without further action
S'OK...You and I can bail them out--after all, they're too big to fail.

One lump or two?


  1. More crap that comes under the heading "just when you think you've heard it all".

    They can have my sugar when they pry it from my cold dead hands.

    When sugar is outlawed, only outlaws will have sugar.

  2. This will not go well with the only ones who like their donuts sweet.

    I think they need to STFU and go away

  3. Good luck on distilling that sugar to get alcohol - it does not work that way.

    Alcohol is made by fermenting a water solution of sugar and starches, where yeast consumes the carbohydrates (sugars and starches such as grain, rice, potatoes or fruit) and produces alcohol and carbon dioxide as waste products. You can then concentrate that fizzy alcohol waste solution by heating the liquid and condensing and saving the steam, which will concentrate the alcohol along with other chemicals that come along for the ride in the steam, depending on the temperature of the initial heated liquid.
    Distillation is that heating and condensing process.
    If you distill a sugar and water solution you end up with heated sugar in the original vessel and distilled water from the steam condensate in the other vessel.

  4. Aww...holy shit! Let's regulate sugar and put any violators of the new regs in prison! 'Cause we just don't have enough gov't control over our lives or enough prisoners yet.

  5. Anyone who supports a War on Sugar deserves to have their door kicked in, their family held hostage, their belongings ransacked, their home destroyed, their lives ruined. Brother, you asked for it!


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