Friday, February 10, 2012

Unintended Consequences of Snotty Ignorance

That left cities across the state scrambling to repeal everything that even smelled like a law restricting firearms. Lake County, for example, repealed a law banning firearm advertisements in its parks. [More]
Lauren Ritchie lays down the stupid.

Just so we're clear: They want "home rule" to restrict more than just the Second Amendment.  The only time they cede to preemption is when the edicts serve Leviathan.

By the way, "the Wyatt Earp school of legislative thought" was on your side, you snotty ignoramus.

But that's fine, don't harvest alligators--that'll sure protect those toddlers and Jack Russell terriers...

1 comment:

  1. PeaceableGuy2/10/2012 12:23 PM

    Ah, it appears that government ownership of things government shouldn't own strikes again!

    A great book on how such problems can be solved was written by Walter Block, available online free of charge as a PDF, and for a reasonable price in dead-tree form.


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