Monday, March 26, 2012

Open letter to AG Holder: Investigate New Black Panthers for criminal conspiracy

Their own words give you probable cause to open a thorough investigation to obtain all relevant documents, including electronic, telephone records, financial records, etc., and based on the evidence, to arrest and vigorously prosecute any member--or financial supporter--determined to be engaged in this conspiracy. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column challenges Eric Holder.  Will he turn a blind eye, and if he does, why shouldn't we believe these domestic enemies aren't serving his agenda?


  1. Ive noticed a not so surprising distinct anti-black agenda on this blog. Too bad. The cause of gun rights should be universal and preaching to the rightwing racist hick choir will not help that cause gain any more ground.

  2. No you haven't, you lying, fucking anonymous asshole coward.

  3. If someone called for a citizens arrest of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan for murder and offered a reward for turning him over to a "peoples court", how long would it take for that person to be under arrest?

  4. I've never understood why people want to comment and not give their name. I always use my name so if someone wants to take me to task, they will know who to address.

    It seems the anonymous posters are the gun haters and race baiters. I've never noticed a "anti-black" agenda in any of your columns. Taking Holder to task isn't about race, it's about a incompetent AG that won't enforce the laws equally like he's supposed to.

  5. Robert, internet anonymity can be legitimate for a lot of reasons and I never insist people do what you or I do--except when they get personal with their ugliness--if someone wants to insult me, I figure they ought to be man enough to do it to my face, as opposed to sniping from the shadows.

    I don't owe a forum to a troll and recognized this particular loser as one right off--the only reason I posted his first comment was to let him illustrate for us that all the regressives have are lies. Now, of course, he's gone into email harassment mode, with two more follow-ups, so far, with more to come after this post if he fits the pattern. It's pretty typical and predictable for these types really, replete with small dick insults and accusing me of being a coward--when he's so afraid of me he won't even email me directly and does not have the courage of convictions to put his name and reputation behind his words.

    I'm surprised psychologists haven't come up with a clinical term for hate and fear-filled trolls, but then again, who cares? Anyone reduced to such sneaky and furtive behavior can't be a whole and happy person, and the fact that he can't even get his responses posted on a lowly blog, along with the self-recognition that in the end, all he is is an insignificant loser with nothing better to do with his life, must make this one miserable creature.

  6. Ned Weatherby3/26/2012 6:22 PM

    "Ive noticed a not so surprising distinct anti-black agenda on this blog."

    Bet you can't supply one instance of any "anti-black agenda" or anti ANY skin color as "proof" Mrs. Troll.

    And I'll bet you won't try.

  7. I use my own name because I stand behind what I say. I don't expect everybody to agree with all my opinions. I subscribe to the notion that if everybody agrees with me on everything, I've got to be doing something wrong.

    It's refreshing to see you call out some cowardly fool who insists upon reading his/her own apparent bigoted fear into comments made by other folks. Again, logic is a foreign concept to someone who is only capable of acting on his/her emotions.



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