Sunday, April 01, 2012

Romney: "Overturn Hughes Amendment Machine Gun Ban"

"There's absolutely no good reason for it, and the Second Amendment demands it," the GOP front runner pledged at a Saturday rally in Muskego, WI, in what some call a bid to improve his flagging status among mistrustful gun owners.   [More]
Also see:
Breuer Confesses: Implicates Holder
GOP Pledges Second Amendment "Litmus Test"
Holder Gun Discharge Injures Mexican President
NRA: Arm the Teachers!
Brady President Detained on Airport Gun Charge
Kennedy Dog Injured in Gun Mishap
BREAKING NEWS: Feinstein Arrested After Gun Mishap


  1. Happy April fools day. Don't we wish...

  2. Ouch. Got me. That was bad.

  3. You are a bad man ... a bad, bad man!

  4. Oh! Ya' got me with that one!!

  5. You got me before - I was looking forward to this. Too bad it's a joke...

  6. What an evil, EVIL thing to do! You are a very, Very, VERY un-nice person!

    Damn! Got me, too.

    {sigh} If only . . . . .


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