Monday, July 23, 2012

Don't Feed the Cowards

I typically just ignore these, because that infuriates trolls more than anything else, but this was useful to illustrate the "quality" of enemies we attract.

[Click on graphic to enlarge]

Of course this sick, pathetic coward is afraid to even tell me this in an email, let alone let me know who he is so I could arrange for him to tell me to my face. And he and I both know his repeated overtures of hate also mean I occupy his seething little mind.

Now let me tell you what will happen next with this predictable loser: He'll try to post a series of increasingly strident comments calling me names and telling me I'm the coward for not publishing his comments.  But he'll never identify himself to me because he is afraid of me, which just shows what a contemptible little piece of shit he is--and he knows it. And after a while, not getting a reaction, he'll give up until next time.

Can you imagine being so pathetic and demented you send horrible death wishes like this to people anonymously?  Looking on the bright side, it is impossible that this is a balanced and happy person, which means that gives me something else to laugh at him about.

And which means he's a typical "progressive" for "gun control". Remember last time this happened--and it came from the Brady Campaign blog's administrative log-in page?


  1. When you're despised by the despicable, you know you're doing something right.

  2. "First they ignore you, then they attack you, then you win."

  3. Could be just some otherwise-unemployed college student paid $20/hour by the FBI to troll. I get this kind of crap all the time when I post at

  4. Why does that sort of behavior not surprise me?

  5. You need to report him to the FBI. Someone like this is likely to order large amounts of ammo and large magazines and buy multiple guns and go to crowded places and kill a bunch of people. That's what the press keeps saying. Until Hometown Insecurity talks to him we are all in danger. Get this potential mass murderer off the streets.

  6. I'll carry his guns and ammo downtown for you.

    How much am I supposed to carry in again?

  7. But don't you have his IP logs???

  8. It may be worth your time to contact Stacy McCain at the Other McCain blog. He and a group of bloggers have had to deal with similar "poop" vendors that were even using "swatting" to harass them. At least let local law enforcement know about the problem.


  10. Don't bother commenting to the FBI about it. I got a much more violent threat involving coming to my home, killing my dog and myself, etc. Same person, a known whack-job (oddly, a failed grad student that can't get a job from california), had made similar threats to other people that are friends of mine in a number of states.

    FBI agent told me "We are an investigative agency, not a crime prevention unit." I said "But this is INTERSTATE, isn't that your gig?" Agent said to contact local LEOs where the lunatic resides and re-emphasized it was of no concern to them as they were an investigative agency and no crime had been committed, therefore there was nothing for them to investigate.

  11. A: Living rent-free inside their heads.
    B: Anon 2:35 - this is where the expression comes in, "When seconds count. . . . " (I think you know the rest). And it applies, apparently equally, to FiBbIes as well as po-po.

    B Woodman


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