Monday, July 23, 2012

My First Reaction is "No"

My second is, that's one way to hurt Hollywood where they'll feel it...[Read]

I'll stick with my first reaction, because there's no shortage of bleaters who'd go along with it, but there's no way I'd submit to a search or wanding just to see a damn movie. 


  1. Based on this attack, adding a checkpoint would do nothing. He came in through the exits.

  2. Ah yes, security at the door because of course the bad guy used the front door like everyone else. . . what he didn't? He broke in the fire door? Oh sorry, my bad. . . .

  3. Aren't those emergency exits normally alarmed to keep people from gaining access to the theater without paying?

  4. I've been to Israel, and that's not the security he's talking about. The malls there have armed guards at the doors and wandering throught. They don't wand people or put them through metal detectors because that's not what they are there for. They are there to shoot anyone who tries to attack the place.

    I never once faced "American" security theater. The guys on the door looked you in the eye and made it very clear that they were perfectly willing to shoot you dead if you decided to get terroristy on them or their mall.

    The problem with this is that Israel has enough threats to make the people on the door serious about their jobs. We have so little threat that we'd end up with lots of armed Paul Blart, Mall Cop wannabes. Without Blart's dedication.

  5. Ducks in a barrel have it better than people in a gun-free zone.

    Gun Free Zone = Target Rich Free-Fire Zone

  6. They can do anything they want, security-wise. I've long since made up my mind that I do not patronize places that prohibit my firearm.

    This goes double for theaters since I refuse to patronize folks (actors, directors, and so on) that actively agitate against our way of life. Folks like Michael Moore, James Cameron, and of late, Joss Whedon and others can agitate on their own dime without any help from me.


  7. If there are no alarms on the exit doors then theater patrons do not clog the lobby on the way out at the end of a movie.

    Next time you go to a movie, see whether anybody uses those exit doors to get to the parking lot quicker.


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