Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Savage Capitulation

Michael Savage is one among prominent conservatives who have come out favoring a ban on assault weapons, in light of the tragic mass shooting in the Colorado movie theater on July 20th. [More]
I rarely disagree with my friends at JPFO, but if we're to equate the term "conservative" with someone who promotes and adheres to founding era principles established in the Constitution, this obnoxious carnival barker hardly qualifies.

Not only is this not a new development for the guy, neither is channeling his inner Karger. Savage told his followers (and that's one anyone who unquestioningly believes this fraud must be):
Of course, I can already hear callers telling me, “Well, Mike, if we’re armed with these weapons, the government can’t possibly take our rights away.” That is nonsense. If the government wants to take your rights away or imprison you for whatever reason, your owning an assault rifle is not going to stop it.
One can safely assume what Weiner's counsel at Warsaw would have been.

What a useless (useful to some?) distraction this character is.


  1. The conservative vs. liberal dichotomy is a lie. It comes down to people who want to be free vs. people who want to be controlled. Those who want to be controlled also want to be controllers.
    Any time some "prominent" commentator comes out and says that the gov't can have their way with you and there is nothing you can do about it, so you may as well just roll over and take it, you know which side they are coming in on. Michael Savage can go blow a donkey.

  2. Nice way to stab fellow gun owners in the back. The people I hate more than the bradyites and other gun haters, are the ones that spout "I support the 2nd Amendment. but...."

    Useful idiots is what Stalin called them. My term would be traitor as I have no use for them.

  3. There's good writing and then there's great writing, pithy and powerful, conveying an essential, resonating truth.

    "Michael Savage can go blow a donkey" is great writing.

  4. Pity the poor donkey who finds Savage lips on his schmekel.

    What a putz!

  5. This is why I unsubscribed from his newsletter the other day. I got rid of WND several weeks ago because THEIR lips now seem to be lovingly applied as well...


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