Friday, September 28, 2012

Human Costs

I also learned something I thought I already knew: death is scary. [More]
Yes it is.  Those using it as the ultimate threat to bend others to their will would do well to keep that in mind.

And yeah, right: Cite only costs and no benefits, and blame lawless urban violence on the peaceable and self-controlling.

If only we could cede to the state a monopoly of violence...


  1. Honey Badger9/28/2012 2:15 PM

    Incredible! The amount of disjointed and fractured thinking among the comments section of this opinion peice, really gives one terrifying insight into the leftist mind.

    Everything from proposing that those who wish to defend themselves or loved ones should be automatically declared mentally unstable, to advocating the total dismemberment of the US constitution itself.

    I really fear for the future of our freedoms as well as the country itself when I read the thoughts of these liberal sheeple.

  2. As long as we hold fast, those aren't the ones we need worry about--matter of fact, when TSHTF, they'll provide a nice buffer of softer targets/cannibal food/MREs (Morons Ready to Eat) to delay those so inclined from trying the harder ones.

  3. I always enjoy when a person uses the "yell fire in a theater" comment . They think it is restriction on free speech . But really it is not . Free speech is the right to speak/write/etc opinions and facts etc . yelling fire without a fire is only to create a situation .

    Same can be said for guns . You can use them for hunting , self defense, target shooting etc etc . Once it is used for murder or offensive harm , then it is illegal . And we already have laws for that .


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