Friday, December 21, 2012

The Nazgul Speaks

I say all of this as a gun owner. I say it as a conservative who was appointed to the federal bench by a Republican president. [More

Sounds more to me like you say this as a traitor. Really, judge? Confiscation?And if you could ignore the rest of the Bill of Rights you talk about making it "a capital offense to so much as look at a gun"?

What a bloody-minded fascist.  I guess at some point, if things don't simmer down, he and his are going to try to kill me and mine.

And, depending on where you stand, you and yours.


  1. Bring it, traitor! Bring it!

  2. It doesn't matter where people stand. I wouldn't put it past these psychopaths to make an example out of some geographic area by "pacifying" an entire region. Look up Jean-Baptiste Carrier and the War in the Vendée.

  3. I was born in Alabama, grew up mostly in Georgia. Spent about a year in Florida before graduating highschool then entered into the U.S. Air Force for a 20 year career, retired in 1995, and now live in Georgia.

    I was taught "about guns" by my Dad who often said "Guns make for polite society." I think he was right, because I've seen over the years what happens to civility when folks are disarmed. Others tend to target them unmercifully, with guns, of course.

    Just like you don't combat bullies with nice words, you don't combat someone trying to shoot you with pointing your finger at the "No Guns Allowed" sign proudly displayed in the doorway into the Mall.

    And, you don't keep killers off of school campuses with "Gun Free Zones" either.

    Of course, this national conversation were about to have has already been engineered to be a one sided lecturing event anyway. Joe Biden's assigned task is going to be easy, just copy and paste a bunch of Brady, CSGV, and Bloomberg "studies" together and hand it all in to the President for his thoughtless consideration.

    If you want to end the senseless killings, we, as a nation, have got to get over our fear and loathing about firearms and let every man, who will, be armed, whether he works in a school or a pharmacy, or a barber shop or a gas station or a hospital.

  4. These are tough times indeed. I've never felt so hated and loathed as a gun owner in my life. "Conservatives", liberals, progressives, moderates - there seems to be growing numbers of people (including, personally, people whom I thought were close friends and family)who are practicing this kind of hate speech. It's as if I had myself marched into that school and shot up the place.

    I'm usually more than willing to engage in thoughtful discussion with people on the other side in an attempt to teach the facts and history involved. However the bitterness and emotion is so visceral now, I've found it almost impossible this past week. They will aggressively question your manhood, your sanity, and your morals. In reality, there is no "discussion" they want to have on gun rights, they want your gun, period.

  5. Obummer called for citizens to "lobby congress." Contact your representatives and tell them "shall not be infringed" isn't open to interpretation.

  6. We gun owners hang together, or we hang separately. Those who do not understand that need a good talking to.
    I suppose that there are anti-gunners who have at some point acquired a gun to claim that they are gun owners while denouncing gun rights. There have been false flag organizations, though it would be easier for an individual to do the same thing and harder to detect.
    Throwing AR owners to the pursuing wolves won't stop the wolves.

  7. MI-copperhead12/21/2012 2:36 PM

    This damn fool is no conservative.

  8. The Infamous Oregon Lawhobbit12/21/2012 6:45 PM

    I'll just leave this here, regarding federal judges:

  9. Anonymous comment that came in @ 12/24/2012 11:31 PM

    I put my name on this blog and my other efforts, and a hell of a lot of work. Everything I advocate I do openly, not from the protection of the shadows. I won't let someone who does neither break that rule. Associate your own reputation with your sentiments, not mine.

    See sidebar "Comment House Rules," that have been posted here for years, with the relevant one being "No threats against anyone except me."


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