Friday, December 21, 2012

Today's NRA Press Conference Live Streaming

Watch below at the appointed hour:

I just noticed I can see this in IE but not in Firefox. If you have problems viewing this here, go to the NRA site.


  1. Wayne LaPierre, another guy who turned 18 during the Vietnam war and didn't serve. He is an industry shill and is setting back the rights of sportsman by generations. The NRA used to be a great organization that had great education programs and advocated responsible gun ownership. Now it advocates for the right of virtually anyone to own a firearm that they are completely incompetent to possess or use. Gun culture in the US used to be a dad and grandfather taking their 12 year old out to hunt and teaching him how to use a .22 safely. Then, when he mastered responsibility for that weapon, he got a shotgun and graduated to a deer rifle. If he was interested in military service and weaponry, he served. Now he speaks for the rights of a divorced rich lady getting 280k in alimony every year to leave an AR-15 around insufficiently secured to keep it out of the hands of her mentally ill son; and the industry's rights to sell this kind of weapon to a completely irresponsible woman. This guy makes my skin crawl. Really, this is the choice we have. Liberals who think that the shooter was running around with a machine gun; and this clown who ran away from military service when it counted and now wants to arm fools with military weapons they have no reason owning.

  2. Ummm, you kind of sound like a liberal who thinks the shooter was running around with a machine gun. An AR-15 is not a military grade gun.

  3. "Kopride" sounds like one of those sign holding protestors who interrupted Wayne's speech.

  4. No surprise... the NRA thinks things will be better with a national database of people considered "mentally ill." We all know this country needs more and more national data bases for freedom, don't we?

    What happens when just wanting to own or even touch a gun is considered plenty of reason to put you on that data base as mentally ill.


    Not that it would stop bad people from doing bad things, of course. The NRA still seems to think that "background checks" and playing games with psychiatrists will help solve the problem of criminals choosing to do terrible things to UNARMED and HELPLESS people. No data base will ever help with that.

    And "armed guards" won't replace ARMED and truly responsible teachers and parents, ever.

  5. "An AR-15 is not a military grade gun." I know that an AR-15 is not a machine gun. I've shot them (and the military versions of them) and watched people shoot them at the range. I also know that Wayne LaPierre had a chance to shoot a real AR-15 in combat but had better things to do after he graduated high school in '68. I know that most of the people who own them and shoot them who are not ex-military or LEO are usually people who like to play act that they are military grade people because they own a gun that looks like an army gun. I also don't think that there is a magic fix in banning guns that look too military that are identical to other semi automatic rifles on the market. In my opinion, the current M-4 is a great weapon for trained soldiers and the semi-auto versions used by LEO are great for their purposes. I am about people control. And in my opinion, if we want to protect the rights of people who are qualified and trained with respect to this weapon, then Yahoos like the shooter's mother should be restricted from buying them. It didn't protect her from her own son; and it is a lousy home defense weapon compared to a simple 12 gauge. If you can't run a mile in 7 minutes, do 20 pullups and 50 situps, you are useless as an infantry soldier, even if you carry a military look rifle. And before the NRA got all political, we would have told a woman looking to get into shooting during the Vietnam War era to buy a high quality bolt action rimfire rifle and fire lots of rounds down range; and not buy a civilian version of a military rifle. We would have stressed safe handling, storage, and the responsibilities of a gun owner, particularly if you were the caretaker of a mentally ill manchild. After she mastered a .22, then maybe she gets a .22 revolver and learns to shoot and be responsible for that weapon. I'm not a gun banner, but some PEOPLE, and unfortunately, a lot of the fantasy losers that have a fetish for military-looking weapons should not own anything more than a pellet gun or sling shot. I don't hunt with anyone who brings any loaded gun into camp; and none of the guys I hunt with will harvest an animal that they can't kill with a single shot, usually within 25 yards. We need to be talking about responsibility, not the rights of idiots like this mother who couldn't secure her own firearms from her mentally ill son.

  6. If you listened to the end, the NRA proposal (which includes teachers and parents) is a reasonable and defensible one. The initial point that we have left schoolkids defenseless is valid and arguable.

    Wayne should have left out all the BS distractions about videogames, etc, and should not have bitten the hand of the media he needs to help us. (However much they deserve it.)

    Shooting 101: keep your sights on the bullseye.

  7. The thing about armed guards is they aren't armed citizens, they're armed government agents.


  8. Kudos to Crotalus.......

    Wayne walked up to the plate OK but then he missed the ball entirely, layed the bat on the ground and ran into the other teams dougout.

    What a bunch of crap. HOW IS SCHOOL SECURITY THE NRA's Job?????

    His JOB that he is paid millions for is to say.....The problem is the bad guys, not the guns. PERIOD.

    Should we be looking to the NRA to bolster the Homeland Security / TSA gestapo the government is building or should he be talking Concord Bridge and a sniper behind every blade of grass.

    THIS IS TERRIBLE and another sign that we are going to be sold out as fast as they can collect money to do it..

    We are witnessing the fall of the Constitution and the rise of the
    4th reich.

    Wayne could not have been FURTHER OFF THE TARGET.

    Fight islam Now


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